Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook


System:Edge of the Empire



Name Defense Soak Price Encum.
Adverse Environment Gear 0 1 500 2
Armored Clothing 1 1 1,000 3
Heavy Battle Armor 1 2 5,000 6
Heavy Clothing 0 1 50 1
Laminate Armor 0 2 2,500 4
Padded Armor 0 2 500 2
Personal Deflector Shield 2 0 10,000 3
Riot Armor 0 2 950 3
Name Description
Awkward [SPECIES] have great physical strength but their bulk imposes severe limitations in flexibility and agility. They add [SETBACK][SETBACK][SETBACK] to all Brawl, Melee, and Coordination checks they're required to make.
Convincing Demeanor +1 [SPECIES] starts with one rank in Convincing Demeanor
Droid Does not need to breathe, eat, or drink and can survive in vacuum or underwater. Immune to poisons or toxins.
Etiquette and Protocol [SELF]s allow allies to add [BOOST] to any Negotiation checks or other checks made to negotiate or mediate.
Force Power Influence Inflict strain on target
Force Power Move Move objects at range.
Four-armed The [SPECIES] gains [BOOST] on all Brawl checks and may spend [ADVANTAGE][ADVANTAGE] on a successful melee attack to hit a second target engaged with it, dealing the same damage as dealt to the original target.
Gand Discipline One free rank of Discipline. May not train above rank 2 during character creation.
Gun Crew For each [SELF] member in the minion group beyond the first, reduce the Cumbersome rating of their weapons by 1
Imperial Valor May perform a maneuver to cause all ranged attacks targeting [SELF] to instead hit one ally or helpless enemy he is engaged with until the beginning of his next turn.
Leader All subordinates within medium range add [BOOST] to all Discipline checks
Light Sensitive [SELF] are vulnerable to bright lights, which cause them intense pain and temporary blindness id viewed without protection. A [SELF] exposed to bright light without protective goggles suffers [SETBACK][SETBACK] on all skill checks.
Pirate Leader May spend a maneuver giving orders to other pirate allies in medium range, granting them [BOOST] on their next check.
Ponderous [SPECIES] can never spend more than one maneuver per turn.
Riot Tactics Groups of three or more [RELATED_MINION] minions in the [SELF] presence gain +1 soak and deal +1 damage on successful combat checks.
Shadowed [SELF] possess the ability to absorb certain wavelengths of light, making them all but invisible in darkness. When in darkness or deep shadow, a [SELF] gains [BOOST][BOOST] to all Stealth checks.
Silhouette 3 Silhouette 3
Spaceport Leader Spaceport staff add [BOOST] to all Vigilance and Perception checks when in the [SELF]'s presence.
Streetwise +1 [SPECIES]s begin the game with one rank in Streetwise. They still may not train Streetwise above rank 2 during character creation.
Sweep Attack The [SPECIES] can spend [TRIUMPH] on a successful Brawl check to hit the target as well as anyone engaged with the target.
Tactical Direction May spend a maneuver to direct one [TARGET] minion group within medium range. The group may make an immediate free maneuver or adds one Boost die [BOOST] to its next check
Trandoshan Claws Brawl; Damage +1; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]
Two-Weapon Combat A character my opt to carry a Ranged [Light] weapon or a one-handed melee weapon in each hand.
Wookie Rage When the [SELF] suffers any wounds, he deals +1 damage with Brawl and Melee attacks. When suffering a Critical Injury, he deals +2 damage with Brawl and Melee atacks instead.
Additional Rules
Name Description
Curich Engineering Stabilizer Conversion Kit The effects of the Stabilizer Conversion Kit are already included in the [STARSHIP]'s stat block. If the PCs manage to find a [STARSHIP] without the Conversion Kit, its handling is -1 and it has 4 Customization Hard Points.
Adveraries Armor
Name Defense Soak
Blast vest and Helmet 0 1
Adversaries Weapons
Name Skill Damage Crit Range Special
Arc welder Melee 3 - Engaged Stun Damage
Battered stun pistol Ranged [Light] 7 - Short Stun Damage
Duelist Blaster Pistol Ranged [Light] 5 4 Short Accurate 2, Stun Setting
Heavy Club Melee 4 4 Engaged Disorient 2
Large-bore blaster pistol Ranged [Light] 8 3 Medium Stun Setting, Hutt only
Molecular Stiletto Melee 0 2 Engaged
Reinforced Gauntlets Brawl 1 4 Engaged Disorient 1
Riot Gun Ranged [Heavy] 7 3 Medium Auto-Fire, Stun Setting
Small rocks Ranged [Light] 1 - Short Stun Damage
Stun blaster Ranged [Light] 6 - Short Stun Damage
Two modified quick draw blaster pistols Ranged [Light] 6 3 Medium Stun Setting, may be drawn as an Incidental
Name Level Skills Talents Abilities Equipment
Antiquated Battle Droid Minion Ranged [Heavy] None Droid Blaster Rifle
Apprentice Hunter Minion Perception, Ranged [Light] None None Blaster Pistol, Heavy Clothing
Aqualish Thug Minion Brawl, Coercion, Melee, Ranged [Light] None None Blaster Pistol, Brass Knuckles
Arms Dealer Rival Negotiation 1, Ranged [Heavy] 2, Ranged [Light] 2, Vigilance 1 None None Heavy Blaster Pistol, Vibroknife
Arrogant Heir Rival Charm 1, Coercion 2, Cool 1, Core Worlds 2, Education 2 None None Duelist Blaster Pistol
Assassin Droid Nemesis Coercion 3, Computers 4, Gunnery 5, Mechanics 3, Melee 3, Ranged [Heavy] 5, Ranged [Light] 5, Piloting [Planetary] 3, Piloting [Space] 3, Vigilance 2 Adversary 2, Barrage 3, Point Blank 3 Droid Light Repeating Blaster
Astromech Droid Rival Astrogation 3, Computers 3, Cool 2, Mechanics 2, Piloting [Space] 2 None Droid Tool Kit
Bandin Dobah Nemesis Coercion 4, Underworld 2, Melee 2, Negotiation 2, Piloting [Space] 3, Ranged [Light] 2, Skullduggery 2, Streetwise 2, Vigilance 2 Adversary 2, Quick Draw None Heavy Blaster Pistol, Heavy Clothing, Vibro-ax
Barabel Enforcer Rival Ranged [Heavy] 1, Melee 2, Perception 1, Survival 2, Vigilance 1 None None Blaster Carbine, Combat Knife
Black Sun Vigo Nemesis Coercion 4, Cool 3, Melee 3, Negotiation 3, Perception 4, Ranged [Heavy] 3, Ranged [Light] 3, Streetwise 4, Survival 4, Vigilance 2 Adversary 3, Crippling Blow, Nobody's Fool 2 Leader Force Pike, Heavy Blaster Pistol
Comm Operator Rival Charm 2, Coercion 1, Cool 1, Outer Rim 3 None None Comlink (handheld), Light Blaster Pistol
Corporate Sector Authority Security Captain Rival Coercion 1, Discipline 1, Leadership 1, Melee 2, Ranged [Heavy] 2, Ranged [Light] 1, Vigilance 1 Adversary 1 Riot Tactics Riot Armor, Riot Gun, Truncheon
Corporate Sector Authority Security Police Minion Coercion, Melee, Ranged [Heavy] None None Riot Armor, Riot Gun, Truncheon
Corporate Sector Authority Viceprex Nemesis Charm 2, Coercion 4, Cool 2, Deception 3, Leadership 2, Negotiation 3, Education 3, Outer Rim 2 Adversary 1, Scathing Tirade [Improved], Inspiring Rhetoric [Improved] None Holdout Blaster, Personal Deflector Shield
Corrupt Bureaucrat Rival Charm 2, Coercion 1, Cool 2, Deception 3, Negotiation 4 Plausible Deniability 1, Nobody's Fool 2 None Light Blaster Pistol
Customs Inspector Rival Astrogation 1, Perception 3, Vigilance 2 None None Hand Scanner, Light Blaster Pistol
Daro Blunt Rival Coercion 1, Cool 1, Ranged [Light] 3 None Two-Weapon Combat Heavy Clothing, Two modified quick draw blaster pistols
Defel Assassin Nemesis Brawl 3, Cool 2, Coordination 2, Melee 3, Ranged [Light] 2, Stealth 3, Vigilance 2 Adversary 3, Deadly Accuracy None, Lethal Blows 2 Light Sensitive, Shadowed Blaster Pistol
Emperor's Hand Nemesis Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Charm 3, Cool 3, Deception 3, Core Worlds 3, Melee 3, Perception 2, Ranged [Heavy] 2, Ranged [Light] 3, Stealth 3, Vigilance 4 Adversary 3, Intense Focus, Stalker 2, Uncanny Senses 2, Force Rating 2 None Disruptor Pistol, Frag Grenade, Vibrosword
Forger Rival Computers 1, Underworld 2, Perception 2, Skullduggery 2, Vigilance 1 None None Holdout Blaster
Forsaken Jedi Nemesis Coercion 2, Cool 2, Deception 3, Lore 4, Lightsaber 4, Melee 2, Perception 4, Piloting [Space] 2, Streetwise 3, Vigilance 2 Adversary 2, Force Rating 3, Sense Danger, Sense Emotions, Uncanny Senses 2 None Lightsaber
Gamorrean Thug Rival Brawl 3, Melee 3 Knockdown None Crude Gamorrean vibro-ax
Godon Netakka Rival Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Perception 1, Piloting [Space] 1, Ranged [Light] 2, Streetwise 1, Vigilance 1 None None Disruptor Pistol, Reinforced Gauntlets
Gut-Guro Minion None None None Padded Armor, Vibroknife
Hutt Crime Lord Nemesis Athletics 1, Charm 2, Coercion 4, Cool 5, Deception 5, Discipline 5, Outer Rim 3, Underworld 3, Leadership 1, Melee 2, Negotiation 5, Ranged [Light] 2, Resilience 8 Convincing Demeanor 2, Durable 3, Nobody's Fool 3, Resolve 2 Awkward, Ponderous Large-bore blaster pistol
Imperial Advisor Nemesis Charm 4, Coercion 4, Deception 4, Core Worlds 3, Education 2, Negotiation 3, Perception 4, Skullduggery 3, Vigilance 3 Natural Charmer, Nobody's Fool 2, Plausible Deniability 2 None Extensive credentials, Lavishly adorned robes, Sundry Personal Staff
Imperial Intelligence Agent Rival Brawl 2, Charm 2, Coercion 2, Deception 2, Ranged [Light] 2, Streetwise 2, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1 None Hand Scanner, Light Blaster Pistol
Imperial Moff Nemesis Charm 3, Coercion 4, Cool 3, Deception 4, Discipline 3, Core Worlds 4, Leadership 4, Ranged [Light] 2, Streetwise 2, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1, Plausible Deniability 4, Inspiring Rhetoric [Supreme] Imperial Valor Blaster Pistol
Imperial Naval Officer Rival Discipline 3, Ranged [Light] 2, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1 Tactical Direction Blaster Pistol, Heavy Clothing
Imperial Naval Trooper Minion Perception, Ranged [Light] None None Blast vest and Helmet, Blaster Pistol
Imperial Stormtrooper Minion Athletics, Discipline, Melee, Ranged [Heavy] None None Blaster Rifle, Extra Reload, Frag Grenade, Stormtrooper Armor, Utility Belt, Vibroknife
Imperial Stormtrooper Sergeant Rival Athletics 2, Discipline 2, Leadership 3, Melee 2, Ranged [Heavy] 2, Ranged [Light] 2, Resilience 2, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1 Tactical Direction Extra Reload, Frag Grenade, Heavy Blaster Rifle, Stormtrooper Armor, Utility Belt, Vibroknife
Infochant Rival Deception 2, Knowledge 2, Perception 2, Vigilance 1 None None Comlink (handheld), Datapad, Holdout Blaster
Ithorian Storyteller Rival Charm 3, Cool 1, Lore 3 None None Holdout Blaster
Journeyman Bounty Hunter Rival Brawl 1, Coercion 1, Coordination 1, Ranged [Heavy] 1, Ranged [Light] 1, Survival 2, Vigilance 1 Lethal Blows 1, Adversary 1 None Disruptor Rifle, Heavy Blaster Pistol, Laminate Armor
Loan Shark Nemesis Charm 2, Coercion 2, Cool 2, Deception 4, Ranged [Light] 2, Perception 2, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1, Natural Negotiator, Spare Clip None Armored Clothing, Disruptor Pistol, Holdout Blaster
Maintenance Droid Minion Mechanics None Droid Tool Kit
Master Hunter Nemesis Brawl 2, Coercion 2, Cool 2, Ranged [Heavy] 3, Ranged [Light] 2, Melee 2, Perception 3, Piloting [Space] 2, Stealth 2, Vigilance 3 Adversary 2, Lethal Blows 2, Deadly Accuracy 1 None Heavy Battle Armor, Heavy Blaster Rifle, Stun Grenade, Vibroknife
Mate Rival Coercion 2, Gunnery 3, Melee 2, Ranged [Light] 1, Perception 2, Piloting [Space] 1, Vigilance 2 None None Heavy Club, Holdout Blaster
Medical Droid Rival Discipline 1, Medicine 3, Perception 2 None Droid built-in diagnostic and surgical tools
Military Starfighter Pilot Minion Gunnery, Piloting [Space] None None Light Blaster Pistol
Mon Calamari Mechanic Rival Astrogation 1, Computers 1, Mechanics 2, Vigilance 1 None Amphibious Emergency Repair Patch, Holdout Blaster, Tool Kit
Philanthropic Senator Rival Charm 3, Cool 2, Deception 1, Core Worlds 2, Education 2, Leadership 3, Negotiation 4, Vigilance 1 None None Holdout Blaster
Pirate Captain Nemesis Coercion 3, Cool 3, Coordination 2, Deception 3, Gunnery 2, Leadership 2, Ranged [Heavy] 3, Melee 4, Resilience 2, Skullduggery 3 Adversary 2, Feral Strength 2, Knockdown Pirate Leader Armored Clothing, Heavy Blaster Rifle, Vibro-ax
Pirate Crew Minion Cool, Ranged [Heavy], Ranged [Light] None None Blaster Carbine, Heavy Blaster Pistol, Padded Armor, Vibroknife
Planetary Defense Force Trooper Minion Brawl, Discipline, Ranged [Heavy], Ranged [Light] None None Blast Vest, Blaster Carbine
Planetary Governor Nemesis Charm 3, Coercion 4, Cool 2, Deception 3, Perception 4, Education 4, Leadership 3, Ranged [Light] 3, Piloting [Planetary] 2, Resilience 2, Streetwise 2, Skullduggery 3, Vigilance 2 Inspiring Rhetoric [Improved], Kill with Kindness 2, Nobody's Fool 2 Leader Light Blaster Pistol
Protocol Droid Rival Charm 2, Education 3, Xenology 3, Negotiation 2, Perception 1 None Droid, Etiquette and Protocol None
R4-W9 Rival Astrogation 3, Computers 3, Cool 1, Mechanics 2, Piloting [Space] 2 None Droid Arc welder
Rebel Alliance Liaison Rival Coordination 1, Cool 1, Discipline 2, Melee 1, Negotiation 3, Ranged [Heavy] 2, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1 None Blaster Rifle, Molecular Stiletto
Sector Ranger Rival Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Cool 2, Coordination 2, Ranged [Heavy] 3, Ranged [Light] 3, Streetwise 3, Survival 3, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1 None Blaster Pistol, Blaster Rifle, Heavy Clothing
Security Droid Rival Ranged [Light] 3, Vigilance 3 None Droid Blaster Pistol
Sentry Droid Profile Rival Gunnery 2, Piloting [Space] 2 None None None
Shipjacker Rival Computers 1, Deception 2, Piloting [Space] 2, Skullduggery 2, Stealth 2, Vigilance 1 Adversary 1 None Electronic Lock Breaker, Heavy Blaster Pistol, Stun Grenade
Slaver Rival Coercion 2, Melee 2, Ranged [Light] 2, Vigilance 2 None None Battered stun pistol, Net, Truncheon
Slicer Rival Computers 2, Cool 2, Skullduggery 1 Bypass Security 1 None Slicer Gear, Stun blaster
Smuggler Rival Charm 2, Cool 1, Ranged [Light] 2, Piloting [Space] 3, Skullduggery 2, Streetwise 2, Vigilance 1 Adversary 1, Skilled Jockey 2 None Blaster Pistol
Smuggler Baron Nemesis Astrogation 3, Charm 2, Cool 3, Gunnery 3, Underworld 3, Ranged [Light] 3, Piloting [Planetary] 3, Piloting [Space] 4, Skullduggery 2, Streetwise 4, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1, Master Pilot, Skilled Jockey 2 None Armored Clothing, Heavy Blaster Pistol
Spaceport Administrator Nemesis Charm 2, Coercion 2, Cool 2, Deception 2, Ranged [Light] 2, Perception 4, Streetwise 3, Vigilance 3 Adversary 1, Nobody's Fool 1, Plausible Deniability 2 Spaceport Leader Comlink (handheld), Datapad, Light Blaster Pistol
Spaceport Security Detail Minion Perception, Ranged [Light] None None Blaster Pistol, Padded Armor, Stun Grenade
Spaceport Security Officer Rival Cool 1, Discipline 2, Ranged [Heavy] 2, Ranged [Light] 1, Resilience 2, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1 None Blaster Rifle, Padded Armor, Stimpack
Spaceport Urchin Minion Skullduggery, Stealth, Streetwise, Survival None None Small rocks
Spir Fraxis Minion None None None Heavy Blaster Pistol
Street Tough Minion Melee, Ranged [Heavy], Ranged [Light], Skullduggery None None Blaster Pistol, Slugthrower Rifle, Truncheon
Sullustan Pilot-for-Hire Rival Astrogation 4, Cool 1, Gunnery 2, Ranged [Light] 1, Perception 5, Piloting [Planetary] 3, Piloting [Space] 3, Survival 1 None None Blaster Pistol
Swoop Ganger Rival Brawl 1, Piloting [Planetary] 1, Ranged [Light] 1, Streetwise 1 None None Light Blaster Pistol
Twi'lek Black Marketeer Rival Underworld 2, Negotiation 2, Ranged [Light] 1, Skullduggery 2, Streetwise 2, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1, Black Market Contacts 2 None Blaster Pistol, Shock Gloves, Thermal Detonator
Twi'lek Dancer Minion Charm, Coordination None None Dancing attire
Wealthy Noble Rival Charm 3, Cool 1, Deception 3, Education 2, Melee 2 None None Holdout Blaster, Vibrosword
Wookie Gladiator Rival Athletics 2, Brawl 4, Coordination 2, Melee 4, Ranged [Heavy] 2, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1 Wookie Rage Vibro-ax
Yarkora Treasure Hunter Rival Charm 2, Coercion 4, Cool 2, Deception 4, Lore 2 None None Heavy Blaster Pistol
Name Category Price Encum. HP Rarity
Augmented Spin Barrel Weapon 1,750 0 2 4
Balanced Hilt Weapon 1,500 0 2 5
Bipod Mount Weapon 100 0 1 1
Blaster Actuating Module Weapon 500 0 1 4
Bowcaster Accelerator Enhancement Ranged Weapon Attachments 250 0 1 4
Bowcaster Automatic Re-Cocker Ranged Weapon Attachments 500 0 1 3
Filed Front Sight Weapon 25 0 1 0
Forearm Grip Weapon 250 0 1 1
Marksman Barrel Weapon 1,200 0 2 4
Mono-Molecular Edge Weapon 1,000 0 1 5
Multi-Optic Sight Weapon 2,000 0 1 3
Serrated Edge Weapon 50 0 1 1
Shortened Barrel Weapon 250 0 1 4
Spread Barrel Weapon 1,725 0 2 4
Superior Weapon Customization Weapon 5,000 0 1 6
Telescopic Optical Sight Weapon 250 0 1 1
Tripod Mount Weapon 250 0 2 3
Under-Barrel Flame Projector Weapon (R) 3,000 0 2 5
Under-Barrel Grenade Launcher Weapon (R) 2,000 0 2 5
Weapon Harness Weapon 500 0 2 2
Weapon Sling Weapon 100 0 1 0
Weighted Head Weapon 250 0 2 3
Cortosis Weave Armor Attachments 10,000 0 2 8
Enhanced Optics Suite Armor Attachments 1,750 0 1 3
Heating System Armor Attachments 1,000 0 1 3
Optical Camouflage System Armor Attachments 5,500 0 2 6
Strength Enhancing System Armor Attachments 5,500 0 2 4
Superior Armor Customization Armor Attachments 5,000 0 1 6
Thermal Shielding System Armor Attachments 1,000 0 1 3
Vacuum Sealed Armor Attachments 1,000 0 1 3
Name Level Skills Talents Abilities Equipment
Captive Rancor Nemesis Brawl 2, Perception 2, Survival 3, Vigilance 2 None Silhouette 3, Sweep attack Massive rending claws
Gundark Rival Brawl 2, Perception 3, Survival 3, Vigilance 3 None Four-armed Gundark
Mid-Sized Dianoga Rival Brawl 2, Perception 1, Stealth 4, Survival 2, Vigilance 3 Adversary 1 Amphibious, Crushing Grip Tentacles
Mynock Minion Brawl, Coordination None Energy Parasite, Flyer, Helium Allergy, Vacuum Dweller Sucker-mouths and claws
Creatures Weapons
Name Skill Damage Crit Range Special
Gundark Gundark Brawl 3 4 Engaged Knockdown, Disorient 1
Rancor Massive rending claws Brawl 9 3 Short Knockdown, Sunder
Mynock Sucker-mouths and claws Brawl 3 5 Engaged -
Dianoga Tentacles Brawl 1 4 Engaged Ensnare 4, Knockdown
Name Category Price Encumbrance Rarity
Comlink (handheld) Communications 25 0 0
Comlink (long range) Communications 200 2 1
Holo-Messenger Communications 250 0 4
Synthetic Anesthetic Consumables 35 0 4
Synthetic Neuroparalytic Consumables (R) 75 0 6
Synthetic Neurotoxin Consumables (R) 50 0 6
Cybernetic Arms (Mod V and Mod VI) Cybernetics 10,000 0 6
Cybernetic Brain Implant Cybernetics 10,000 0 6
Cybernetic Eyes Cybernetics 7,500 0 6
Cybernetic Legs (Mod II and Mod III) Cybernetics 10,000 0 6
Cybernetic Weapon Cybernetics 4,000 0 7
Cyberscanner Limb Cybernetics 4,000 0 7
Immune Implant Cybernetics 5,000 0 6
Implant Armor Cybernetics 7,500 0 6
Prosthetic Replacement (Limb) Cybernetics 2,000 0 4
Prosthetic Replacement (Organ) Cybernetics 1,000 0 4
Electrobinoculars Detection Devices 250 1 1
General Purpose Scanner Detection Devices 500 2 3
Hand Scanner Detection Devices 100 0 2
Macrobinoculars Detection Devices 75 1 2
Scanner Goggles Detection Devices 150 0 3
Surveillance Tagger Detection Devices 165 0 4
Antiquated Battle Droid Droids 6,500 0 5
Assassin Droid Droids (R) 65,000 0 8
Astromech Droid Droids 8,250 0 3
Maintenance Droid Droids 7,500 0 3
Medical Droid Droids 12,000 0 4
Protocol Droid Droids 8,000 0 4
Security Droid Droids 9,600 0 5
Avabush Spice (1 dose) Drugs (R) 25 0 6
Avabush Spice (100 dose cargo container) Drugs (R) 2,000 3 7
Booster Blue (1 dose) Drugs (R) 10 0 5
Booster Blue (100 dose cargo container) Drugs (R) 750 3 6
Death Sticks (1 dose) Drugs (R) 5 0 1
Death Sticks (100 dose cargo container) Drugs (R) 250 3 2
Glitterstim (1 dose) Drugs (R) 100 0 7
Glitterstim (100 dose cargo container) Drugs (R) 5,000 5 8
Lesai (1 dose) Drugs (R) 500 0 9
Lesai (20 dose enviro-sealed cargo pod) Drugs (R) 7,500 2 10
Yarrock (1 dose) Drugs (R) 350 0 8
Yarrock (100 dose cargo container) Drugs (R) 20,000 3 9
Bacta (liter) Medical 20 1 1
Bacta (tank) Medical 4,000 12 1
Emergency Medpac Medical 100 1 1
Medpac Medical 400 2 2
Stimpack Medical 25 0 1
Synthflesh Medical 10 0 1
Synthskin Medical 10 0 1
Binders Security 25 0 0
Blackops Data Breaker Security (R) 1,000 1 6
Comm Jammer Security 400 4 3
Comm Scrambler Security 1,000 0 5
Disguise Kit Security 100 2 4
Electronic Lock Breaker Security (R) 1,000 1 5
Restraining Bolt Security 35 0 0
Slicer Gear Security 500 2 4
Backpack Storage 50 0 0
Breath Masks and Respirators Survival 25 1 1
Crash Survival Kit Survival 300 5 2
Ration Packs Survival 5 0 0
Space Suit Survival 100 4 1
Tent Survival 100 4 1
Thermal Cloak Survival 200 2 1
Climbing Gear Tools 50 1 2
Datapad Tools 75 1 1
Emergency Repair Patch Tools 25 0 1
Extra Reload Tools 25 1 1
Fusion Lantern Tools 150 2 2
Glow Rod Tools 10 1 0
Jet Pack Tools 4,500 2 7
Outlaw Tech Data Breaker Security (R) 1,000 1 6
Outlaw Tech Flesh Camouflage Set Security (R) 2,500 2 7
Outlaw Tech Personal Stealth Field Security (R) 20,000 1 9
Tool Kit Tools 350 4 2
Utility Belt Tools 25 0 0
Name Active Ranked Effect
Accurate Passive true For each rank of this trait, the attacker adds [BOOST] to his attack dice pools while using this weapon.
Auto-Fire Active false Increase the difficulty of the attack by [DIFFICULTY]. If the attack hits the attacker can trigger Auto-fire. Auto-fire can be triggered multiple times.Each time the attacker triggers Auto-fire it deals an additional hit to the target.
Blast Active true If the attack is successful and Blast activates, each character (friend or foe) Engaged with the original target sufferes wounds equal to the weapon's Blast rating.
Breach Passive true Ignore one point of Armor for every rank of Breach
Burn Active true If the attack is successful, the target continues to take the weapon's base damage for a number of rounds equal to the weapon's Burn rating.
Concussive Active true The target is staggered for a number of rounds equal to the weapon's Concussive rating.
Cortosis Passive false Weapons with the Cortosis quality are immune to the Sunder quality.
Cumbersome Passive true The character needs a Brawn characteristic equal to or greater than the weapon's Cumbersome rating.
Defensive Passive true A character wielding a weapon with the Defensive quality increases his melee defense by the weapons's Defensive rating.
Deflection Passive true An item with the Deflection quality increases the wearer's ranged defense equal to its Deflection rating.
Disorient Active true The target is disoriented for a number of rounds equal to the weapon's Disorient rating.
Ensnare Active true The target is immobilized for a number of rounds equal to the weapon's Ensnare rating.
Guided Active true Weapon can make an attack check at the end of the round, the check's Ability dice are equal to the weapon's Guided rating.
Inaccurate Passive true Add [SETBACK] to the attacker's dice pool equal to their Inaccurate rating.
Inferior Passive false Generates automatic [THREAT] on all checks.
Ion Passive false Damage is dealt as System Strain (Vehicles) or Strain Threshold (Droids)
Knockdown Active false The target is knocked prone.
Limited Ammo Passive true May be used to make a number of attacks equal to it's Limited Ammo rating before it must be reloaded.
Linked Active true On a successful attack the wielder may activate to gain an additional hit and may do so a number of times equal to the weapon's Linked rating.
Pierce Passive true Ignores one point of Soak for each rank of Pierce
Prepare Passive true The user must perform a number of Prepare maneuvers equal to the weapon's Prepare rating before making attacks.
Slow-Firing Passive true Weapon must waith a number of rounds equal to its Slow-Firing rating before firing again.
Stun Active true Weapon causes Strain to the target
Stun Damage Passive false Weapon deals damage as strain instead of wounds.
Stun Setting Passive false Can switch weapon to Stun Damage
Sunder Active false Damages opposing weapon one step.
Superior Passive false Generates automatic [ADVANTAGE] on all checks
Tractor Passive false Target may not move unless it makes a successful Piloting check with a difficulty based on the tractor beam's rating.
Vicious Passive true Add 10 times the Vicious rating to the critical roll.
Name Characteristic Type
Astrogation Intellect General
Athletics Brawn General
Brawl Brawn Combat
Charm Presence General
Coercion Willpower General
Computers Intellect General
Cool Presence General
Coordination Agility General
Core Worlds Intellect Knowledge
Deception Cunning General
Discipline Willpower General
Education Intellect Knowledge
Gunnery Agility Combat
Leadership Presence General
Lightsaber Brawn Combat
Lore Intellect Knowledge
Mechanics Intellect General
Medicine Intellect General
Melee Brawn Combat
Negotiation Presence General
Outer Rim Intellect Knowledge
Perception Cunning General
Piloting [Planetary] Agility General
Piloting [Space] Agility General
Ranged [Heavy] Agility Combat
Ranged [Light] Agility Combat
Resilience Brawn General
Skullduggery Cunning General
Stealth Agility General
Streetwise Cunning General
Survival Cunning General
Underworld Intellect Knowledge
Vigilance Willpower General
Vigilance Willpower General
Xenology Intellect Knowledge
Name Category Silhouette Speed Handling Armor HTT SST Defense Sensors Model Manufacturer Hyperdrive Navicomputer Crew Encumbrance Passengers Price Rarity HP Weapons Addl. Rules
CR90 Corvette Corvette 5 3 -1 CR90 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 165 2500 600 1,200,000 5 4 6
Marauder-Class Assault Corvette Corvette 5 3 0 Marauder Republic Sienar Systems true 177 175 80 (R) 3,000,000 5 1 11
DP20 Gunship Frigate 5 4 -1 DP20 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 91 300 0 3,200,000 6 1 18
EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate Frigate 6 3 -1 Nebulon-B Kuat Drive Yards true 920 4000 75 (R) 8,500,000 7 2 27
Firespray-31 System Patrol Craft Patrol Boat 4 4 0 Firespray Kuat Systems Engineering true 3 40 6 80,000 4 4 2
GAT-12H Skipray Blastboat Patrol Boat 4 4 -1 Skipray Sienar Fleet Systems true 5 20 0 150,000 6 2 4
JM-5000 Jumpmaster Long Range Scout Patrol Boat 4 4 1 JumpMaster Corellian Engineering Corporation true 1 30 1 55,000 5 2 1
Lambda-Class T-4A Long Range Shuttle Shuttle 4 3 0 Lambda Sienar Fleet Systems and Cygnus Spaceworks true 6 200 20 (R) 140,000 6 2 3
BTL-A4 Y-Wing Attack Starfighter Starfighter 3 4 0 BTL Y-Wing Koensayr Manufacturing Astromech Droid Socket 1 10 0 80,000 4 1 3
BTL-S3 Y-Wing Attack Starfighter Starfighter 3 4 0 BTL Y-Wing Koensayr Manufacturing Astromech Droid Socket 2 10 0 80,000 4 1 3
Cloakshape Fighter Starfighter 3 4 0 CloakShape Kuat Systems Engineering None 1 12 0 38,000 4 3 2
TIE/LN Starfighter Starfighter 3 5 3 TIE Series Sienar Fleet Systems None 1 4 0 (R) 50,000 4 0 1
Z-95-AF4 Headhunter Starfighter 3 4 1 Headhunter Incom/Subpro None 1 8 0 55,000 4 2 2
Action VI Bulk Transport Transport 5 2 -3 Action VI Corellian Engineering Corporation true 20 10000 5 200,000 5 4 0
GR-75 Medium Transport Transport 5 3 -3 GR-75 Gallofree Yards, Inc. true 7 1000 100 180,000 4 2 0
Space Master Medium Transport Transport 5 2 -4 Space Master Kuat Drive Yards true 9 800 0 150,000 4 2 2
Star Galleon Armed Transport Transport 6 1 -2 Star Galleon Kuat Drive Yards true 150 10000 300 (R) 1,500,000 7 2 11
ILH-KK Citadel-Class Light Freighter Transport 4 3 -1 Citadel Koensayr Manufacturing true 3 95 14 200,000 6 4 5
Starwind Pleasure Yacht Transport 5 3 -2 Starwind Kuat Drive Yards true 5 85 10 210,000 6 2 2
Wayfarer-Class Medium Freighter Transport 5 3 -2 Wayfarer Kuat Systems Engineering true 10 850 6 120,000 5 5 1
YT-1300 Light Freighter Transport 4 3 -1 YT-1300 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 2 165 6 100,000 4 6 2
YT-2400 Light Freighter Transport 4 3 0 YT-2400 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 2 140 6 130,000 5 5 2
SoroSuub Luxury 3000 Space Yacht Yacht 4 3 0 Luxury 3000 SoroSuub Corporation true 2 100 10 120,000 6 4 0
Name Activation Ranked Force Sensitive
Adversary Passive true false
Anatomy Lessons Active (Incidental) false false
Armor Master Passive false false
Armor Master (Improved) Passive false false
Bacta Specialist Passive true false
Bad Motivator Active (Action) false false
Balance Active (Maneuver) false true
Barrage Passive true false
Black Market Contacts Active (Incidental) true false
Blooded Passive true false
Body Guard Active (Maneuver) true false
Brace Active (Maneuver) true false
Brilliant Evasion Active (Action) false false
Bypass Security Passive true false
Codebreaker Passive true false
Command Passive true false
Confidence Passive true false
Contraption Active (Action) false false
Convincing Demeanor Passive true false
Crippling Blow Active (Incidental) false false
Dead to Rights Active (Incidental) false false
Dead to Rights (Improved) Active (Incidental) false false
Deadly Accuracy Passive true false
Dedication Passive true false
Defensive Driving Passive true false
Defensive Slicing Passive true false
Defensive Slicing (Improved) Passive false false
Defensive Stance Active (Maneuver) true false
Disorient Passive true false
Dodge Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) true false
Durable Passive true false
Enduring Passive true false
Expert Tracker Passive true false
Familiar Suns Active (Maneuver) false false
Feral Strength Passive true false
Field Commander Active (Action) false false
Field Commander (Improved) Passive false false
Fine Tuning Passive true false
Forager Passive false false
Force Rating Passive true true
Frenzied Attack Active (Incidental) true false
Full Throttle Active (Action) false false
Full Throttle (Improved) Active (Maneuver) false false
Full Throttle (Supreme) Passive false false
Galaxy Mapper Passive true false
Gearhead Passive true false
Grit Passive true false
Hard Headed Active (Action) true false
Hard Headed (Improved) Active (Action) false false
Heightened Awareness Passive false false
Heroic Fortitude Active (Incidental) false false
Hidden Storage Passive true false
Hold Together Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
Hunter Passive true false
Indistinguishable Passive true false
Insight Passive false true
Inspiring Rhetoric Active (Action) false false
Inspiring Rhetoric Active (Action) false false
Inspiring Rhetoric (Improved) Passive false false
Inspiring Rhetoric (Supreme) Active (Incidental) false false
Intense Focus Active (Maneuver) false false
Intense Presence Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
Intimidating Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) true false
Inventor Passive true false
Jump Up Active (Incidental) false false
Jury Rigged Passive true false
Kill with Kindness Passive true false
Knockdown Passive false false
Know Somebody Active (Incidental) true false
Knowledge Specialization Passive true false
Known Schematic Active (Maneuver) false false
Let's Ride Active (Incidental) false false
Lethal Blows Passive true false
Master Doctor Active (Incidental) false false
Master Merchant Active (Incidental) false false
Master of Shadows Active (Incidental) false false
Master Pilot Active (Incidental) false false
Master Slicer Active (Incidental) false false
Master Starhopper Active (Incidental) false false
Mental Fortress Active (Incidental) false false
Natural Brawler Active (Incidental) false false
Natural Charmer Active (Incidental) false false
Natural Doctor Active (Incidental) false false
Natural Enforcer Active (Incidental) false false
Natural Hunter Active (Incidental) false false
Natural Marksman Active (Incidental) false false
Natural Negotiator Active (Incidental) false false
Natural Outdoorsman Active (Incidental) false false
Natural Pilot Active (Incidental) false false
Natural Programmer Active (Incidental) false false
Natural Rogue Active (Incidental) false false
Natural Scholar Active (Incidental) false false
Natural Tinkerer Active (Incidental) false false
Nobody's Fool Passive true false
Outdoorsman Passive true false
Overwhelm Emotions Passive false true
Plausible Deniability Passive true false
Point Blank Passive true false
Precise Aim Active (Maneuver) true false
Pressure Point Active (Incidental) false false
Quick Draw Active (Incidental) false false
Quick Strike Passive true false
Rapid Reaction Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) true false
Rapid Recovery Passive true false
Redundant Systems Active (Action) false false
Researcher Passive true false
Resolve Passive true false
Respected Scholar Passive true false
Scathing Tirade Active (Action) false false
Scathing Tirade (Improved) Passive false false
Scathing Tirade (Supreme) Active (Incidental) false false
Second Wind Active (Incidental) true false
Sense Danger Active (Incidental) false true
Sense Emotions Passive false true
Shortcut Passive true false
Side Step Active (Maneuver) true false
Sixth Sense Passive false false
Skilled Jockey Passive true false
Skilled Slicer Active (Incidental) false false
Smooth Talker Active (Incidental) true false
Sniper Shot Active (Maneuver) true false
Soft Spot Active (Incidental) false false
Solid Repairs Passive true false
Spare Clip Passive false false
Speaks Binary Passive true false
Stalker Passive true false
Steely Nerves Active (Incidental) false false
Stim Application Active (Action) false false
Stim Application (Improved) Active (Incidental) false false
Stim Application (Supreme) Passive false false
Street Smarts Passive true false
Stroke of Genius Active (Incidental) false false
Strong Arm Passive false false
Stunning Blow Active (Incidental) false false
Stunning Blow (Improved) Active (Incidental) false false
Superior Reflexes Passive false false
Surgeon Passive true false
Swift Passive false false
Targeted Blow Active (Incidental) false false
Technical Aptitude Passive true false
Tinkerer Passive true false
Touch of Fate Active (Incidental) false true
Toughened Passive true false
Tricky Target Passive false false
True Aim Active (Maneuver) true false
Uncanny Reactions Passive true true
Uncanny Senses Passive true true
Utility Belt Active (Incidental) false false
Utinni! Passive true false
Well Rounded Passive true false
Wheel and Deal Passive true false
Vehicle Weapons
Name Range Damage Crit Price Rarity Qualities Compat. Silhouette Notes
Name Category Silhouette Speed Handling Armor HTT SST Defense Sensors Model Navicomputer Crew Encumbrance Passengers Price Rarity HP Weapons Addl. Rules
Storm IV Cloud Car Airspeeder 2 4 1 Storm IV Bespin Motors 2 8 0 30,000 5 2 1
Civilian Airspeeder Airspeeders 2 3 0 0 5 5 0 Short Various Models Various Manufacturers 1 30 6 10,000 3 1 0
Incom T-16 Skyhopper Airspeeders 2 4 3 1 4 6 0 Short T-16 Skyhopper Incom Corporation 1 12 1 7,500 2 3 0
Incom T-47 Airspeeder (Civilian) Airspeeders 2 4 0 1 4 6 0 Close T-47 Incom Corporation 2 6 0 18,000 3 3 1
Aratech 74-Z Military Speeder Bike Speeders 2 3 1 0 2 4 0 Close 74-Z Aratech Repulsor Company 1 5 1 3,000 4 2 1
Mobquet Flare-S Swoop Speeders 2 3 2 0 2 3 0 None Flare-S Mobquet Swoops and Speeders 1 4 1 6,000 3 2 0
Trast A-A5 Heavy Speeder Truck Speeders 3 1 -2 0 10 8 0 None A-A5 Trast Heavy Transports 3 220 25 10,000 2 3 0
X-34 Landspeeder Speeders 2 2 0 0 4 5 0 Close X-34 SoroSuub 1 15 1 4,500 2 2 0
Corellian Mining Corporation Digger Crawler Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles 4 1 -3 4 40 30 0 Medium Digger Crawler Corellian Mining Corporation 100 400 60 50,000 7 5 0
Personnel Carrier Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles 3 2 -2 0 8 4 0 None Personnel Carrier Various Manufacturers 2 100 15 3,000 2 3 0
All Terrain Personal Transport Walkers 2 2 0 3 6 5 0 Close AT-PT Rothana Heavy Engineering 1 15 1 30,000 7 1 2
AT-EST Exploration and Survey Walker Walkers 4 1 -2 2 20 12 0 Long AT-EST Rothana Heavy Engineering 3 50 8 12,000 5 4 1
Name Category Skill Damage Crit Range Encumbrance HP Price Rarity Special
Brass Knuckles Brawl Brawl 1 4 Engaged 1 0 25 0 Disorient 3
Shock Gloves Brawl Brawl 0 5 Engaged 0 1 300 2 Stun 3
Blaster Carbine Energy Ranged [Heavy] 9 3 Medium 3 4 850 5 Stun Setting
Blaster Pistol Energy Ranged [Light] 6 3 Medium 1 3 400 4 Stun Setting
Blaster Rifle Energy Ranged [Heavy] 9 3 Long 4 4 900 5 Stun Setting
Bowcaster Energy Ranged [Heavy] 10 3 Medium 5 2 1,250 7 Cumbersome 3, Knockdown
Disruptor Pistol Energy Ranged [Light] 10 2 Short 2 2 (R) 3,000 6 Vicious 4
Disruptor Rifle Energy Ranged [Heavy] 10 2 Long 5 4 (R) 5,000 6 Cumbersome 2, Vicious 5
Heavy Blaster Pistol Energy Ranged [Light] 7 3 Medium 2 3 700 6 Stun Setting
Heavy Blaster Rifle Energy Ranged [Heavy] 10 3 Long 6 4 1,500 6 Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 3
Heavy Repeating Blaster Energy Gunnery 15 2 Long 9 4 (R) 6,000 8 Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 5, Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Holdout Blaster Energy Ranged [Light] 5 4 Short 1 1 200 4 Stun Setting
Ionization blaster Energy Ranged [Light] 10 5 Short 3 3 250 3 Disorient 5, Ion
Light Blaster Pistol Energy Ranged [Light] 5 4 Medium 1 2 300 4 Stun Setting
Light Repeating Blaster Energy Ranged [Heavy] 11 3 Long 7 4 (R) 2,250 7 Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 4, Pierce 1
Slugthrower Pistol Slugthrowers Ranged [Light] 4 5 Short 1 0 100 3
Slugthrower Rifle Slugthrowers Ranged [Heavy] 7 5 Medium 5 1 250 3 Cumbersome 2
Frag Grenade Grenade Ranged [Light] 8 4 Short 1 0 50 5 Blast 6, Limited Ammo 1
Stun Grenade Grenade Ranged [Light] 8 - Short 1 0 75 4 Disorient 3, Stun Damage, Blast 8, Limited Ammo 1
Thermal Detonator Grenade Ranged [Light] 20 2 Short 1 0 (R) 2,000 8 Blast 15, Breach 1, Vicious 4, Limited Ammo 1
Combat Knife Melee Melee 1 3 Engaged 1 0 25 1
Force Pike Melee Melee 3 2 Engaged 3 3 500 4 Pierce 2, Stun Setting
Gaffi Stick Melee Melee 2 3 Engaged 3 0 100 2 Defensive 1, Disorient 3
Lightsaber Melee Lightsaber 10 1 Engaged 1 0 (R) 10,000 10 Breach 1, Sunder, Vicious 2
Truncheon Melee Melee 2 5 Engaged 2 0 15 1 Disorient 2
Vibro-ax Melee Melee 3 2 Engaged 4 3 750 5 Pierce 2, Sunder, Vicious 3
Vibroknife Melee Melee 1 2 Engaged 1 2 250 3 Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Vibrosword Melee Melee 2 2 Engaged 3 3 750 5 Pierce 2, Vicious 1, Defensive 1
Flame Projector Other Ranged [Heavy] 8 2 Short 6 2 1,000 6 Burn 3, Blast 8
Missile Tube Other Gunnery 20 2 Extreme 7 4 (R) 7,500 8 Blast 10, Cumbersome 3, Guided 3, Breach 1, Prepare 1, Limited Ammo 6
Bola Thrown Ranged [Light] 2 - Short 1 2 20 2 Ensnare 3, Knockdown, Limited Ammo 1
Net Thrown Ranged [Light] 2 - Short 3 2 20 2 Ensnare 3, Knockdown, Limited Ammo 1