Name System Key Initials
Name System Key Initials
Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook Edge of the Empire SWE02 E-CRB
Edge of the Empire Game Master's Kit Edge of the Empire SWE03 E-GMK
Age of Rebellion Game Master's Kit Age of Rebellion SWA03 A-GMK
Force and Destiny Game Master's Kit Age of Rebellion SWF03 F-GMK
Beyond the Rim Edge of the Empire SWE05 BtR
Enter the Unknown Edge of the Empire SWE06 EtU
Suns of Fortune Edge of the Empire SWE07 SoF
Jewel of Yavin Edge of the Empire SWE09 JoY
Dangerous Covenants Edge of the Empire SWE08 DC
Age of Rebellion Beginner Game - Adventure Book Age of Rebellion SWA01 A-BGA
Age of Rebellion Beginner Game - Rulebook Age of Rebellion SWA01 A-BGR
Operation Shadowpoint Age of Rebellion SWAP01 OS
Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook Age of Rebellion SWA02 A-CRB
Dead in the Water Age of Rebellion SWA03 DitW
Far Horizons Edge of the Empire SWE10 FH
Onslaught at Arda I Age of Rebellion SWA04 OaA
Rescue at Glare Peak Age of Rebellion OP007 RaGP
Scum and Villainy Adversary Deck Star Wars Roleplaying uSWR01 SaVAD
Imperials and Rebels Adversary Deck Star Wars Roleplaying uSWR02 IaRAD
Citizens of the Galaxy Adversary Deck Star Wars Roleplaying uSWR03 CotGAD
Stay on Target Age of Rebellion SWA25 SoT
Lords of Nal Hutta Edge of the Empire SWE11 LoNH
Fly Casual Edge of the Empire SWE12 FC
Desperate Allies Age of Rebellion SWA31 DA
Force and Destiny Beginner Game - Adventure Book Force and Destiny SWF01 F-BGA
Force and Destiny Beginner Game - Rulebook Force and Destiny SWF01 F-BGR
Force and Destiny Core Rulebook Force and Destiny SWF02 F-CRB
Chronicles of the Gatekeeper Force and Destiny SWF23 CotG
Hidden Depths Force and Destiny SWF03 HD
Mask of the Pirate Queen Edge of the Empire SWE13 MPQ
Strongholds of Resistance Age of Rebellion SWA30 SoR
Lead by Example Age of Rebellion SWA36 LbE
Keeping the Peace Force and Destiny SWF24 KtP
Edge of the Empire Beginner Game - Rulebook Edge of the Empire SWE01 E-BGR
Edge of the Empire Beginner Game - Adventure Book Edge of the Empire SWE01 E-BGA
Nexus of Power Force and Destiny SWF29 NoP
Special Modifications Edge of the Empire SWE14 SM
Savage Spirits Force and Destiny SWF41 SS
Forged in Battle Age of Rebellion SWA42 FiB
Endless Vigil Force and Destiny SWF30 EV
Friends Like These Age of Rebellion SWA41 FLT
No Disintegrations Edge of the Empire SWE16 ND
Disciples of Harmony Force and Destiny SWF35 DoH
Ghosts of Dathomir Force and Destiny SWF40 GoD
Fully Operational Age of Rebellion SWA47 FO
Knights of Fate Force and Destiny SWF46 KoF
Cyphers and Masks Age of Rebellion SWA53 CaM
Unlimited Power Force and Destiny SWF52 UP
Dawn of Rebellion Star Wars Roleplaying uSWR10 DoR
Rise of the Separatists Star Wars Roleplaying uSWR11 RotS
Allies and Adversaries Star Wars Roleplaying uSWR12 AaA
Collapse of the Republic Star Wars Roleplaying uSWR15 CotR
Gadgets and Gear Star Wars Roleplaying uSWR17 GaG
Starships and Speeders Star Wars Roleplaying SWR18 SaS
Creatures of the Galaxy Adversary Deck Star Wars Roleplaying uSWR06 CrotGAD
Imperials and Rebels II Adversary Deck Star Wars Roleplaying uSWR07 IaRIIAD
Imperials and Rebels III Adversary Deck Star Wars Roleplaying uSWR13 IaRIIIAD
Republic and Separatist Adversary Deck Star Wars Roleplaying uSWR14 RaSAD
Hunters and Force Adversary Deck Star Wars Roleplaying uSWR08 HaFAD
Republic and Separatist II Adversary Deck Star Wars Roleplaying uSWR16 RaSIIAD