Name Category Silhouette Speed Handling Armor HTT SST Defense Sensors Model Manufacturer Hyperdrive Navicomputer Crew Encumbrance Passengers Price Rarity HP Weapons Addl. Rules
Name Category Silhouette Speed Handling Armor HTT SST Defense Sensors Model Manufacturer Hyperdrive Navicomputer Crew Encumbrance Passengers Price Rarity HP Weapons Addl. Rules
Gozanti-Class Armed Transport Armed Transport 5 2 -3 Gozanti Gallofree Yards, Inc. and Corellian Engineering Corporation true 12 1000 12 200,000 6 4 7
VT-49 Decimator Assault Ship 4 3 -3 VT-49 Decimator Kuat Drive Yards true 4 60 6 160,000 6 1 4
Alpha-class XG-1 "Star Wing" Assault Gunboat Assault Starfighter 3 4 -2 Alpha-class Cygnus Spaceworks true 1 8 0 (R) 135,000 7 2 2
J-Type Diplomatic Barge Barge 5 4 1 J-Type Nubia Star Drives true 5 180 10 1,000,000 7 0 0
Maelstrom-class Battle Cruiser Battlecruiser 8 1 -3 Maelstrom-classs Kuat Drive Yards true 45000 12500 15000 (R) 158,000,000 8 2 120
Corellian Engineering Corporation Deep Space Recovery Vessel L-2783 Bulk Cruiser 5 2 -4 L-2783 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 100 5000 100 6,500,000 6 7 4
Rendili Stardrive Neutron Star-Class Bulk Cruiser Bulk Cruiser 7 1 -3 Neutron Star Rendili Star Drive true 2200 5000 250 2,800,000 4 6 51
Action IV Bulk Freighter Bulk Freighter 5 2 -2 Action IV Corellian Engineering Corporation true 26 8500 6 150,000 4 4 2
ISO-One Bulk Freighter 5 2 -3 BFF-1 series Phylon Freight true 15 1000 25 150,000 4 5 4
ND-47 Stalwart Bulk Freighter Bulk Freighter 5 2 -2 Stalwart-class Nova-Drive true 4 200 10 70,000 6 2 0
Quasar Fire-class Escort Carrier Carrier 6 2 -2 Quasar Fire SoroSuub Corporation true 250 5000 150 1,750,000 6 4 4
Secutor-class Battlecarrier Carrier 8 2 -4 Secutor Kuat Drive Yards true 40000 28000 14000 (R) 200,000,000 7 2 73
Ton-Falk-class Escort Carrier Carrier 7 2 -3 Ton-Falk Kuat Drive Yards true 4000 9000 800 (R) 3,500,000 7 3 15
Blockade Bandit Corvette 5 2 -2 CR90 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 40 750 50 700,000 5 2 6
CR90 Corvette Corvette 5 3 -1 CR90 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 165 2500 600 1,200,000 5 4 6
CR92A Assassin-Class Corvette Corvette 5 3 -1 CR92a Corellian Engineering Corporation true 150 1000 60 (R) 2,500,000 6 2 10
Cybershop Ship Corvette 5 3 -2 Modified CR90 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 135 1000 220 1,300,000 7 6 2
Marauder-Class Assault Corvette Corvette 5 3 0 Marauder Republic Sienar Systems true 177 175 80 (R) 3,000,000 5 1 11
Savrip Corvette 5 3 0 Marauder Republic Sienar Systems true 120 175 40 (R) 0 5 0 11
Vigil-Class Corvette Corvette 5 3 -1 Vigil Kuat Drive Yards true 200 1800 200 (R) 3,500,000 5 0 3
Sienar Fleet Systems Legate-Class Courier Courier 4 4 0 Legate-class Sienar Fleet Systems true 2 15 4 65,000 6 3 2
End of Days Cruiser 7 3 -1 Keldabe Zann Consortium true 6000 8000 1000 (R) 200,000,000 8 4 47
Jedi Training Cruiser Crucible Cruiser 5 3 -1 Unknown Class believed to be Rendili Vehicle Corporation true 2 300 10 (R) 2,000,000 10 6 0
Keldabe-Class Battleship Cruiser 7 3 -1 Keldabe Mandal Motors / Zann Consortium true 6000 8000 1000 (R) 200,000,000 8 4 47
ADZ-Class Destroyer Destroyer 5 2 -2 Adz Kuat Drive Yards true 30 250 8 (R) 4,450,000 7 1 7
Assertor-class Command Dreadnought Dreadnought 9 2 -4 Assertor-class Kuat Drive Yards true 125000 145000 20000 (R) 1,100,000,000 10 3 320
YQ-400 Monitor-Class System Patrol Ship Droid Operated 4 3 0 Monitor-class The Nerfworks None 0 0 0 200,000 8 0 2
Consular-Class Cruiser's Salon Pod Escape Pod 3 2 -4 Salon Pod Corellian Engineering Corporation None 1 5 10 0 0 0 0
Escape Pod Escape Pod 2 3 -1 Escape Pod Faberstien-Lago None 1 10 5 5,000 7 1 0
Life Boat Escape Pod 3 3 -2 Life Boat Faberstien-Lago Astromech Droid Socket 1 50 25 15,000 7 2 0
DP20 Gunship Frigate 5 4 -1 DP20 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 91 300 0 3,200,000 6 1 18
EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate Frigate 6 3 -1 Nebulon-B Kuat Drive Yards true 920 4000 75 (R) 8,500,000 7 2 27
Flatline and Brilliance Frigate 5 3 -1 Interceptor IV Corellian Engineering Corporation true 20 10000 5 300,000 7 4 3
Imperial System Patrol Craft IPV-1 Frigate 5 3 -1 IPV-1 Sienar Fleet Systems None 12 20 10 (R) 4,000,000 5 2 5
IR-3F-Class Light Frigate Frigate 5 4 -1 IR-3F Republic Sienar Systems None 20 1800 10 1,000,000 6 2 4
Lancer-Class Frigate Frigate 5 2 -1 Lancer Kuat Drive Yards true 800 200 40 (R) 4,760,000 7 0 20
MC30c Frigate Frigate 6 4 0 MC30c Mon Calamari Shipyards true 820 3500 95 (R) 9,500,000 6 3 40
Munificent-class Command, Control, and Communications Frigate Frigate 7 2 0 Munificent-class Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc true 1100 10000 850 12,300,000 9 1 108
Shadow Raptor Frigate 6 3 1 Nebulon-B Kuat Drive Yards true 683 3500 225 (R) 8,500,000 7 0 39
Starbolt Assault Carrier Frigate 6 3 -1 Starbolt Corellian Engineering Corporation true 800 4000 250 (R) 10,000,000 8 2 10
Surveyor-class Reconnaissance Frigate Frigate 6 3 -1 Surveyor-class Kuat Drive Yards true 900 3700 80 (R) 9,600,000 8 2 22
Ubrikkian Industries Kossak-Class Frigate Frigate 6 3 -2 Kossak-Class Ubrikkian Industries true 975 3500 90 8,300,000 7 3 30
Xanter-Class Deep-Space Exploration Frigate Frigate 6 1 -2 Xanter Rendili Star Drive true 150 2000 50 3,750,000 7 2 11
Barrage Gunship Gunship 5 3 -1 Barrage-class Alto Systems true 7 90 5 145,000 8 3 6
Dreadnought-Class Heavy Cruiser Heavy Cruiser 7 2 -2 Dreadnought Rendili Star Drive true 16000 7500 3000 7,200,000 6 4 40
Interdictor-Class Heavy Cruiser Heavy Cruiser 7 2 -2 Interdictor-class Sienar Fleet Systems true 2807 6500 80 (R) 15,400,000 8 0 20
Vindicator-Class Heavy Cruiser Heavy Cruiser 7 3 -1 Vindicator Sienar Fleet Systems true 2551 7500 400 (R) 10,400,000 8 0 58
Temple-Class Heavy Freighter Heavy Freighter 6 1 -3 Temple Kuat Drive Yards true 50 30000 150 950,000 6 6 0
Independence Heavy Star Cruiser 8 2 -2 Home One Mon Calamari Shipyards true 5400 20000 1200 150,000,000 7 2 78
MC80 Liberty Type Star Cruiser Heavy Star Cruiser 8 2 -2 Liberty Mon Calamari Shipyards true 5400 70000 1200 104,000,000 7 4 74
MC80A Home One type Heavy Star Cruiser Heavy Star Cruiser 9 2 -2 Home One type Mon Calamari Shipyards true 5480 85000 1200 112,000,000 8 4 158
4R3 Light Assault Transport Light Assault Transport 4 3 -1 4R3 Telgorn Corporation true 5 80 16 300,000 7 4 5
Surronian Conqueror-Class Assault Ship Light Assault Transport 4 3 0 Conqueror Surronian true 3 80 1 100,500 9 4 2
C-ROC Gozanti-class Light Cruiser Light Cruiser 5 3 -3 Gozanti-class/C-ROC Type Corellian Engineering Corporation true 12 1800 20 190,000 8 6 6
Consular-Class Light Assault Cruiser Light Cruiser 5 3 -2 Consular Corellian Engineering Corporation true 9 3200 16 3,400,000 5 4 5
MC40a Light Cruiser Light Cruiser 6 2 -1 MC40a Mon Calamari Shipyards true 3770 5000 650 (R) 15,500,000 6 4 40
Renegade's Blood Light Cruiser 5 4 0 Consular Corellian Engineering Corporation true 9 3200 16 3,400,000 5 3 7
G9 Rigger Light Freighter Light Freighter 4 2 -2 Rigger-class Corellian Engineering Corporation true 2 80 6 55,000 5 4 3
Kazellis-Class Light Freighter Light Freighter 4 4 0 Kazellis-class Kazellis Corporation true 2 100 4 70,000 8 2 1
Lancer-class Pursuit Craft Light Freighter 4 5 -2 Lancer-class MandalMotors true 2 60 4 120,000 8 3 3
MC-18 Light Freighter Light Freighter 4 3 0 MC-18 Mon Calamari Shipyards true 2 150 5 140,000 6 2 1
VCX-100 Light Freighter Light Freighter 5 3 -3 VCX-100 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 6 200 6 155,000 8 5 3
Wander-Class Jump Freighter Light Freighter 3 3 0 Wander-class Mon Calamari Shipyards true 3 50 1 65,000 6 4 1
YV-666 Light Freighter 4 3 -2 YV-666 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 2 200 6 132,000 6 6 2
Agressor Assault Fighter Patrol Boat 4 5 -1 Aggressor Trilon Inc true 2 20 8 160,000 6 3 3
Bloodblade Patrol Boat 4 4 -1 Firespray Kuat Systems Engineering true 3 40 6 80,000 4 0 2
Far*Reach Reconnaissance Ship Patrol Boat 4 3 -1 Far*Reach-class Loronar Corporation true 6 65 2 60,000 7 3 1
Firespray-31 System Patrol Craft Patrol Boat 4 4 0 Firespray Kuat Systems Engineering true 3 40 6 80,000 4 4 2
G-1A Heavy Starfighter Patrol Boat 3 4 -1 G-1A Byblos Drive Yards true 2 25 3 130,000 7 4 2
GAT-12H Skipray Blastboat Patrol Boat 4 4 -1 Skipray Sienar Fleet Systems true 5 20 0 150,000 6 2 4
Imperial Customs Frigate Patrol Boat 4 3 -2 Customs Frigate Rendili StarDrive true 12 140 10 (R) 140,000 6 2 7
Incom A-24 Sleuth-Class Scout Ship Patrol Boat 3 4 1 Sleuth Incom Corporation true 1 20 1 45,000 6 3 1
Incom A-36 Pathfinder-Class Force Reconnaissance Vessel Patrol Boat 4 4 0 Pathfinder Incom Corporation true 4 40 4 135,000 7 2 3
JM-5000 Jumpmaster Long Range Scout Patrol Boat 4 4 1 JumpMaster Corellian Engineering Corporation true 1 30 1 55,000 5 2 1
Loronar E-9 Explorer-Class Armed Long-Range Scout Vessel Patrol Boat 4 3 -1 Explorer Loronar Corporation true 4 60 4 120,000 6 4 2
MandalMotors M22-T Krayt Gunship Patrol Boat 4 4 -1 M22-T Krayt MandalMotors true 2 20 2 185,000 6 2 3
PB-950 Patrol Boat Patrol Boat 5 3 -2 PB-950 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 4 150 8 150,000 5 3 4
PPB Pocket Patrol Boat Patrol Boat 3 4 0 PPB Corellian Engineering Corporation None 2 12 0 70,000 5 2 1
Regulator-Class Patrol Vessel Patrol Boat 4 4 0 Regulator-class Sienar Fleet Systems None 2 18 6 110,000 6 2 2
The Diligent Patrol Boat 5 3 -2 PB-950 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 4 180 8 125,000 5 3 4
S-Type Racing Sloop Racing Vessel 3 6 1 S-Type Racing Sloop Nubia Star Drives, Inc. true 2 20 2 160,000 7 0 0
Alidade-class Long-Range Survey Ship Scout Ship 5 2 -1 Alidade-class Sienar Ships true 8 250 5 150,000 6 3 2
Kaminoan Observation Ship Scout Ship 6 2 -2 Observation Platform Kamino Engineering true 0 2500 20 750,000 7 6 0
The Deep Dark Scout Ship 4 3 0 Skywatcher-class Sienar Fleet Systems true 12 50 6 (R) 120,000 5 3 2
Vangaard Pathfinder Scout Ship Scout Ship 4 4 1 Pathfinder Vangaard Industries true 2 45 2 45,000 6 2 1
Curich-Class Shuttle Shuttle 5 3 0 Curich Sienar Fleet Systems true 3 300 50 (R) 130,000 5 2 1
Cygnus Spaceworks Eta-Class Shuttle Shuttle 4 3 0 Eta-class Cygnus Spaceworks true 2 100 10 100,000 6 2 1
Kappa-Class Shuttle Shuttle 4 3 0 Kappa Sienar Fleet Systems true 4 150 40 (R) 80,000 6 2 4
Kappa-Class Shuttle Shuttle 4 3 0 Kappa Republic Sienar Systems true 4 250 40 (R) 110,000 5 2 3
Lambda-Class T-4A Long Range Shuttle Shuttle 4 3 0 Lambda Sienar Fleet Systems and Cygnus Spaceworks true 6 200 20 (R) 140,000 6 2 3
Sentinel-Class Landing Craft Shuttle 4 3 -1 Sentinel Sienar Fleet Systems and Cygnus Spaceworks true 4 500 54 (R) 240,000 7 0 4
Shuttle Pod Shuttle 2 4 0 ISP-6 Cygnus Spaceworks None 1 8 0 (R) 15,000 6 1 2
T-6 Shuttle Shuttle 4 3 1 T-6 Slayn & Korpil true 2 80 4 100,000 7 2 0
KSE Rho-1 Limulus-Class Courier Small Transport 3 4 0 Limulus-class Kuat Systems Engineering true 2 6 1 55,000 8 2 1
Selonian Coneship Small Transport 3 1 -5 Coneship Various Selonian Dens None 2 2 0 5,000 7 0 0
YT-1760 Small Transport Small Transport 4 4 1 YT-1760 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 2 70 8 80,000 5 5 1
Golan I Space Defense Platform Space Defense Platform 8 0 0 Golan I Golan Arms None 5000 20000 10000 (R) 26,000,000 9 4 39
Praetor II-Class Star Battlecruiser Star Battlecruiser 9 2 -3 Praetor II Kuat Drive Yards true 109000 78000 14000 (R) 700,000,000 9 1 150
Imperial I-Class Star Destroyer Star Destroyer 8 2 -3 Imperial I Kuat Drive Yards true 37085 15000 9700 (R) 150,000,000 7 2 130
The Eternal Wrath Star Destroyer 8 2 -3 Interdictor Sienar Fleet Systems true 37085 12500 5000 (R) 175,000,000 8 0 32
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Star Destroyer 8 1 -3 Victory II Kuat Drive Yards true 6107 6500 1600 (R) 50,000,000 6 4 60
A-7 Hunter Interceptor Starfighter 3 5 2 A-series Kuat Drive Yards None 1 4 0 80,000 6 1 1
A-Type Stiletto Starfighter 3 4 0 A-type Stiletto Nubia Star Drives, Inc. None 1 8 0 90,000 7 0 2
A/SF-01 "B-Wing" Heavy Fast Attack Starfighter Starfighter 3 4 -1 A/SF-01 B-Wing Slayn & Korpil true 1 15 0 150,000 6 1 4
Alpha-3 Nimbus "V-Wing" Interceptor Starfighter 3 4 2 A3-Nimbus Kuat Systems Engineering Astromech Droid Socket 2 5 0 70,000 7 2 2
ARC-40b Scout-Reconnaissance Fighter Starfighter 3 4 -1 ARC-40b Kuat Drive Yards Astromech Droid Socket 3 10 0 85,000 7 2 5
Blade-32 Superiority Fighter Starfighter 3 4 -2 Blade-32 Tarrvin-on-Kallik true 2 10 1 60,000 7 1 3
BTL-A4 Y-Wing Attack Starfighter Starfighter 3 4 0 BTL Y-Wing Koensayr Manufacturing Astromech Droid Socket 1 10 0 80,000 4 1 3
BTL-S3 Y-Wing Attack Starfighter Starfighter 3 4 0 BTL Y-Wing Koensayr Manufacturing Astromech Droid Socket 2 10 0 80,000 4 1 3
BTS-A2 "H-Wing" Long-range Strike Starfighter Starfighter 3 3 -2 BTS-A2 H-wing Koensayr Manuracturing true 3 15 1 225,000 6 1 3
CL-1c Lancet Interceptor Starfighter 3 5 1 CL-1c Corellian Engineering Corporation true 1 4 1 55,000 5 0 1
Cloakshape Fighter Starfighter 3 4 0 CloakShape Kuat Systems Engineering None 1 12 0 38,000 4 3 2
Cutlass-9 Patrol Fighter Starfighter 3 3 0 Cutlass SoroSuub Corporation true 1 12 0 40,000 4 3 3
Delta-12 Skysprite Starfighter 3 4 1 D-12 Kuat Systems Engineering Astromech Droid Socket 1 8 1 85,000 8 3 0
Delta-6 System Defense Starfighter Starfighter 3 4 1 Delta-6 Kuat Systems Engineering None 1 8 0 30,000 4 2 1
E-7 E-Wing Multi-Role Starfighter Starfighter 3 5 1 E-Wing FreiTek Incorporated Astromech Droid Socket 2 8 0 160,000 8 1 2
H-60 Tempest Heavy Bomber Starfighter 4 3 -1 H-60 Tempest Slayn & Korpil None 2 12 0 172,000 5 2 4
HH-87 Starhopper Starfighter Starfighter 3 4 1 HH-87 Starhopper MandalMotors true 1 6 0 50,000 4 2 1
HLAF-500 Starfighter Starfighter 3 4 1 HLAF-500 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 1 6 0 70,000 5 1 1
Kihraxz Light Starfighter Starfighter 3 4 0 Kihraxz TransGalMeg, Inc true 1 7 0 65,000 6 5 3
Koensayr AD-1S Moduilar Multi-role Starfighter Starfighter 3 3 0 AD-1S Koensayr Manufacturing None 1 10 2 25,000 7 8 0
LAF-250 Starfighter Starfighter 3 4 0 LAF-250 Corellian Engineering Corporation None 1 6 0 60,000 4 1 1
M12-L Kimogila Heavy Starfighter Starfighter 4 4 -1 M12-L Kimogila MandalMotors true 1 20 0 150,000 5 2 3
MandalMotors M3-A Scyk Interceptor Starfighter 3 5 2 M3-A Scyk MandalMotors true 1 4 0 55,000 4 2 1
Mandalorian Protectorate Starfighter Starfighter 3 6 3 Fang fighter MandalMotors true 1 2 0 120,000 9 1 2
Miy'til Starfighter Starfighter 2 4 1 Miy'til Olanji/Charubah Astromech Droid Socket 1 5 0 210,000 8 1 2
Modified Cloakshape Starfighter Starfighter 3 4 0 CloakShape Kuat Systems Engineering None 1 12 0 38,000 4 0 2
Modified TIE Bomber Starfighter 3 3 -1 TIE Series Sienar Fleet Systems None 1 10 0 (R) 110,000 5 2 1
Preybird-Class Starfighter Starfighter 3 4 -1 Preybird SoroSuub true 2 8 0 84,000 8 1 3
R-41 Starchaser Starfighter 3 4 0 R-41 Starchaser Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc. true 1 6 0 55,000 7 2 3
R60 "T-Wing" Interceptor Starfighter 3 6 -1 R-60 T-wing Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc. true 1 5 0 95,000 7 1 2
RZ-1 "A-Wing" Light Interceptor Starfighter 3 6 3 RZ-1 "A-Wing" Incom/Alliance Underground Engineering true 1 4 0 150,000 6 1 2
StarViper M-2 Starfighter 3 4 1 StarViper M-2 MandalMotors true 1 12 0 160,000 7 0 2
T-65B "X-Wing" Multi-Role Starfighter Starfighter 3 5 1 T-65B X-wing Incom Corporation Astromech Droid Socket 2 10 0 120,000 5 1 2
Tallanx-class Stealth Fighter Starfighter 3 5 2 Tallanx Gimmellian Shipworks true 1 6 0 (R) 120,000 9 2 1
Tam Blackstar's TIE Hunter Starfighter 3 6 3 TIE Series Sienar Fleet Systems true 1 4 0 (R) 100,000 7 0 3
TIE/AG "Aggressor" Starfighter Starfighter 3 4 1 TIE-series Sienar Fleet Systems None 2 7 0 (R) 75,000 9 0 2
TIE/D "Defender" Multi-Role Starfighter Starfighter 3 4 2 TIE Series Sienar Fleet Systems true 1 5 0 (R) 300,000 8 0 3
TIE/HU "Hunter" Multi-role Starfighter Starfighter 3 5 2 TIE-series Sienar Fleet Systems true 1 6 0 (R) 275,000 9 0 3
TIE/IN Interceptor Starfighter 3 6 3 TIE Series Sienar Fleet Systems None 1 4 0 (R) 75,000 5 0 1
TIE/IT Interdictor Starfighter Starfighter 3 4 -2 TIE-series Sienar Fleet Systems None 1 10 0 (R) 253,000 7 0 3
TIE/LN Starfighter Starfighter 3 5 3 TIE Series Sienar Fleet Systems None 1 4 0 (R) 50,000 4 0 1
TIE/PH "Phantom" Multi-role Stealth Starfighter Starfighter 3 5 2 TIE-series Sienar Fleet Systems true 2 8 0 (R) 365,000 9 0 1
TIE/SA Tactical Bomber Starfighter 3 4 0 TIE Series Sienar Fleet Systems None 1 10 0 (R) 110,000 5 0 3
V-19B Dart Personal Flyer Starfighter 3 4 0 V-19B Dart Slayn & Korpil true 2 30 2 60,000 7 1 0
Z-95-AF4 Headhunter Starfighter 3 4 1 Headhunter Incom/Subpro None 1 8 0 55,000 4 2 2
Z-95-AF4-H "Heavy-95" Multi-role Starfighter Starfighter 3 4 0 Heavy-95 Incom/SubPro Astromech Droid Socket 2 6 0 85,000 5 1 2
Indulgent-Class Luxury Starliner Starliner 7 1 -1 Indulgent-class Leonore Luxury Liners Incorporated true 850 3200 1500 25,500,000 7 1 4
Action VI Bulk Transport Transport 5 2 -3 Action VI Corellian Engineering Corporation true 20 10000 5 200,000 5 4 0
Armos Modular Transport Transport 6 2 -2 Armos SoroSuub true 150 10000 1000 780,000 8 4 0
CSS-1 Corellian Star Shuttle Transport 5 3 -2 CCS-8 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 8 1000 200 325,000 6 4 0
GR-75 Medium Transport Transport 5 3 -3 GR-75 Gallofree Yards, Inc. true 7 1000 100 180,000 4 2 0
Mobquet Medium Transport Transport 5 1 -4 MMT Mobquet Swoops and Speeders true 4 5000 90 275,000 5 5 2
Space Master Medium Transport Transport 5 2 -4 Space Master Kuat Drive Yards true 9 800 0 150,000 4 2 2
Star Galleon Armed Transport Transport 6 1 -2 Star Galleon Kuat Drive Yards true 150 10000 300 (R) 1,500,000 7 2 11
TL-18B Medium Transport Transport 4 3 -1 TL-18B Suwantek Systems true 3 400 4 157,000 7 5 2
Ubrikkian Industries Seltiss-2 Caravel Transport 4 3 -1 Seltiss-2 Ubrikkian Industries None 8 200 12 550,000 6 4 2
Xiytiar-Class Heavy Transport Transport 5 2 -3 Xiytiar TransGalMeg Industries true 10 2000 12 200,000 5 4 0
Y164 Slave Transport Transport 5 3 -2 Y164 Rendili StarDrive true 15 120 1200 245,000 6 3 2
YZ-775 Medium Transport Transport 5 2 -3 YZ-775 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 8 850 0 500,000 3 2 5
Barloz-class Medium Freighter Transport 4 3 -2 Barloz-class Corellian Engineering Corporation true 2 170 4 70,000 5 4 1
CEC HWK-1000 Light Freighter Transport 4 5 1 HWK-1000 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 2 100 4 120,000 10 5 0
CorelliSpace Gymsnor-3 Light Freighter Transport 4 3 -3 Gymsnor-3 CorelliSpace true 2 160 4 80,000 6 4 1
CorelliSpace Gymsnor-4 Light Freighter Transport 4 3 -2 Gymsnor-4 CorelliSpace true 2 160 4 95,000 6 5 1
D-Type Stealth Freighter Transport 4 2 -3 D-Type Stealth Freighter Nubia Star Drives, Inc. true 2 125 3 200,000 7 0 0
Darvro-class Light Freighter Transport 4 4 0 Darvro Gimmellian Shipworks true 3 120 4 (R) 250,000 9 4 3
Ghtroc 720 Light Freighter Transport 4 3 -2 720 Ghtroc Industries true 2 200 10 112,000 8 4 1
GX1 Short Hauler Transport 4 2 -2 GX1 Short Hauler Lantillian ShipWrights true 4 200 6 85,000 5 5 1
HT-2200 Medium Freighter Transport 5 2 -2 HT-2200 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 4 800 8 140,000 5 5 2
HWK-290 Light Freighter Transport 3 4 1 HWK-290 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 2 75 2 70,000 7 5 0
ILH-KK Citadel-Class Light Freighter Transport 4 3 -1 Citadel Koensayr Manufacturing true 3 95 14 200,000 6 4 5
Nightflyer Transport 4 3 1 YT-2400 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 1 95 6 160,000 5 0 2
Penumbra Stealth Freighter Transport 5 3 -1 Penumbra-class Brennkeyes Syndicate true 3 90 4 100,000 9 0 1
Simiyiar Light Freighter Transport 4 3 0 Simiyiar Mon Calamari Shipyards true 2 90 5 165,000 6 4 2
Starlight-class Light Freighter Transport 4 3 -1 Starlight-class Rendili StarDrive and Surron StarTech true 2 85 6 69,995 5 4 1
Starwind Pleasure Yacht Transport 5 3 -2 Starwind Kuat Drive Yards true 5 85 10 210,000 6 2 2
Suwantek TL-1200 Transport Transport 5 3 -3 TL-1200 Suwantek Systems true 6 600 8 170,000 6 4 2
Wayfarer-Class Medium Freighter Transport 5 3 -2 Wayfarer Kuat Systems Engineering true 10 850 6 120,000 5 5 1
YG-4210 Light Freighter Transport 4 2 -2 YG-4210 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 2 120 12 85,000 7 4 1
YG-4400 Light Freighter Transport 4 4 -1 YG-4400 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 2 75 2 110,000 5 2 1
YKL-37R Nova Courier Transport 4 3 0 YKL-37R Nova Courier Gallofree Yards, Inc. true 2 100 6 130,000 6 5 4
YT-1000 Light Freighter Transport 4 3 -1 YT-1000 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 2 150 4 75,000 5 5 1
YT-1200 Light Freighter Transport 4 2 -1 YT-1200 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 2 150 6 90,000 5 5 1
YT-1210 Light Freighter Transport 4 4 -1 YT-1210 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 2 100 4 120,000 5 3 1
YT-1300 Light Freighter Transport 4 3 -1 YT-1300 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 2 165 6 100,000 4 6 2
YT-2000 Light Freighter Transport 4 3 0 YT-2000 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 2 170 7 120,000 5 5 2
YT-2400 Light Freighter Transport 4 3 0 YT-2400 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 2 140 6 130,000 5 5 2
YV-560 Light Freighter Transport 4 3 0 YV-560 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 2 80 5 120,000 7 4 1
YV-929 Light Freighter Transport 4 3 -1 YV-929 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 4 80 6 380,000 6 1 6
ZH-25 Questor Light Freighter Transport 4 3 -1 Questor Starfield Industries true 2 100 6 115,000 6 4 1
Baudo-class Star Yacht Yacht 4 4 1 Baudo-class Mendel Baudo Shipyards true 2 60 8 250,000 9 6 1
Baudo-Class Star Yacht Yacht 4 4 1 Baudo Mendel Baudo Shipyards true 2 60 8 250,000 9 6 1
CEC WUD-500 Star Yacht Yacht 4 4 -1 WUD-500 Corellian Engineering Corporation true 2 65 6 98,500 6 5 2
J-Type Star Skiff Yacht 4 4 -1 J-Type Star Skiff Nubia Star Drives, Inc. true 3 90 3 260,000 7 0 2
Luxurious-class Yacht Yacht 4 4 1 Luxurious-class Ghtroc Industries true 3 80 12 210,000 6 4 0
SoroSuub Luxury 3000 Space Yacht Yacht 4 3 0 Luxury 3000 SoroSuub Corporation true 2 100 10 120,000 6 4 0
The Venture Yacht 4 3 2 Courier-class Nubia Star Drives, Inc. true 19 50 25 185,000 5 3 3
Ubrikkian Industries Modified Minstrel-Class Space Yacht Yacht 5 3 -1 Minstrel-Class Space Yacht Ubrikkian Industries true 37 800 75 1,750,000 7 3 12
Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-Wing Starfighter Starfighters 3 4 2 2 10 8 1/-/-/0 Close Alpha-3 Nimbus Kuat Systems Engineering None Astromech Droid Socket 2 5 0 (R) 120,000 7 2 2
ARC-170 Heavy Starfighter Starfighters 3 4 0 4 18 10 2/-/-/1 Long ARC-170 Incom/Subpro Primary: Class 1.5, Backup: None true 4 30 0 (R) 180,000 5 2 4
Belbullab-22 Heavy Starfighter Starfighters 3 4 1 3 15 12 1/-/-/1 Close Belbullab-22 Feetha Ottraw Scalable Assemblies Primary: Class 6, Backup: Class 15 true 1 8 0 168,000 6 3 1
Droid Tri-Fighter Starfighters 3 5 2 2 12 8 0 Short Tri-Fighter Colla Designs/Phlac-Arphocc Automata Industries None None 0 0 0 (R) 40,000 8 2 3
Eta-2 Actis-class Light Interceptor Starfighters 3 6 2 2 10 8 0 Close Eta-2 Actis-class Kuat Systems Engineering None None 2 5 0 (R) 290,000 8 1 2
Hyena-class Droid Bomber Bombers 3 4 0 3 14 12 0 Short Hyena-class Baktoid Armor Workshop None None 0 0 0 (R) 120,000 8 2 4
Trident-class Assault Ship Shuttles/Light Freighters 4 4 1 4 35 20 2/-/-/2 Short Trident-class Colicoid Creation Nest None None 4 350 30 120,000 8 2 13
V-19 Torrent Starfighters 3 4 2 3 10 9 0 Short V-19 Torrent Slayn & Korpil Primary: Class 1, Backup: None true 1 6 0 75,000 4 1 3
Acclamator-class Planetary Assault Ship Cruisers 7 2 -1 6 80 65 3/2/2/2 Long Acclamator-class Rothana Heavy Engineering Primary: Class 0.6, Backup: Class 10 true 700 10000 15000 (R) 110,000,000 8 2 40
Pelta-class Frigate Frigates 6 3 0 4 65 55 2/2/2/1 Long Pelta-class Kuat Drive Yards Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 16 true 900 6000 300 (R) 7,250,000 6 4 8
Providence-class Dreadnought Battlecruisers 8 2 -3 12 160 125 2/3/3/2 Long Providence-class Rendili StarDrive/Free Dac Volunteers Primary: Class 1.5, Backup: Class 10 true 900 18000 1548247 (R) 400,585,000 9 2 186
Subjugtor-class Heavy Cruiser Battlecruisers 9 2 -3 12 210 150 3/3/3/3 Long Subjugator-class Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corp/Pammant Docks Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 12 true 23350 85000 60000 (R) 875,500,000 9 1 654
IE-440 "Nighthawk" Multi-Role Starfighter Starfighter 3 5 2 1 10 10 1/-/-/1 Short IE-440 Nighthawk Koensayr Corporation Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 12 true 1 5 1 124,800 7 4 2
Nu-class Shuttle Shuttles/Light Freighters 4 3 0 3 30 12 2/-/-/1 Short Nu-class Cygnus Spaceworks Primary: Class 1, Backup: Class 12 true 2 250 30 85,000 5 2 3
C-9979 Landing Craft Freighters and Transports 5 3 -1 5 65 45 2/1/1/2 Long C-9979 Haor Chall Engineering Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 15 true 88 5500 2500 (R) 12,000,000 6 2 2
Venator-class Star Destroyer Star Destroyers 8 2 -3 8 115 55 2/2/2/2 Long Venator-class Kuat Drive Yards Primary: Class 1, Backup: Class 15 true 7400 7000 2000 (R) 59,000,000 7 3 80 Massive 2
Droch-class Boarding Ship Shuttles/Light Freighters 3 3 0 2 10 8 1/-/-/1 Close Droch-class Colicoid Creation Nest None None 1 10 6 43,000 7 2 4
Lucrehulk-class Battleship Battlecruisers 9 2 -3 10 200 90 4/3/3/3 Long Lucrehulk-class Hoersch-Kessel Drive Yards Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 10 true 175 95000 139000 (R) 500,000,000 8 1 588 Massive 3
Republic Z-95 Headhunter Starfighters 3 4 1 3 10 10 1/-/-/1 Close Z-95 Incom/Subpro None None 1 9 0 75,000 5 2 2
Munificent-class Heavy Frigate Cruisers 7 2 0 5 60 66 3/2/2/2 Long Munificent-class Hoersch-Kessel Drive Yards Primary: Class 1, Backup: Class 10 true 200 10000 150000 12,000,000 7 1 102 Massive 1
Arquitens-class Light Cruiser Frigates 6 3 -2 5 60 45 2/2/2/2 Medium Arquitens-class Kuat Drive Yards Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 12 true 750 1200 100 (R) 4,000,000 5 2 12
Sheathipede-class Shuttle Shuttles/Light Freighters 4 3 1 4 25 15 1/-/-/1 Short Sheathipede-class Haor Chall Engineering Primary: Class 1, Backup: Class 10 true 4 150 8 120,000 6 2 0
Vulture-class Droid Starfighter Starfighters 3 5 2 2 8 6 0 Close Vulture-class Haor Chall Engineering None None 0 0 0 40,000 5 0 2 Discord Missile Launcher, Variable Geometry
Delta-7 Aethersprite-class Interceptor Starfighters 3 5 2 2 7 7 1/-/-/0 Close Delta-7/Delta 7B Kuat Systems Engineering None Astromech Droid Socket 2 4 0 78,000 6 2 1
Eta-class Shuttle Shuttles/Light Freighters 4 3 0 3 17 12 2/-/-/1 Short Eta-class Cygnus Spaceworks Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 12 true 2 100 10 100,000 6 2 1 Undicurs Aboard
Consular-class Light Cruiser Corvettes 5 3 -2 4 46 24 2/1/1/0 Extreme Consular-class Corellian Engineering Corporation Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 14 true 9 4000 24 3,000,000 5 6 0
Charger C70 Combat Refit Corvettes 5 3 -2 5 46 24 2/1/1/1 Extreme Consular-class Corellian Engineering Corporation Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 14 true 9 4000 24 3,000,000 5 6 7
Ainik-class Scientific Survey Vessel Shuttles/Light Freighters 4 3 0 2 22 10 2/-/-/1 Extreme Ainik-class SoroSuub Primary: Class 3, Backup: Class 12 true 4 150 6 120,000 7 3 3 Research Labs
Caisson-class Engineering Troop Carrier Shuttles/Light Freighters 4 3 -1 5 25 15 1/-/-/1 Short Caisson-class Corellian Engineering Corporation Primary: Class 3, Backup: Class 12 true 3 110 40 190,000 6 2 3
Haven-class Mobile Space Dock Space Stations 7 2 -3 6 100 75 2/2/2/2 Long Haven-class Rendili StarDrive Primary: Class 3, Backup: Class 16 true 4500 30000 8000 38,000,000 9 10 82 Massive 2
Mk IX Orbital Maintenance Depot Space Stations 8 0 -4 4 250 200 2/2/2/2 Long Mk IX OMD Core Worlds Engineering None None 20000 35000 22000 22,000,000 7 9 42 Massive 3, Depot Resources
Firestar II-class Orbital Defense Station Space Stations 7 0 -4 8 110 70 2/2/2/2 Long FireStar II Rendili StarDrive None None 300 5000 200 8,500,000 8 5 72 Massive 2