Rise of the Separatists


System:Star Wars Roleplaying



Name Defense Soak Price Encum.
CF-9 Republic Naval Flight Suit 1 1 (R) 1,200 3
"Gundark" Scav-Suit 1 1 3,000 4
Heavy Robes 1 0 150 1
HT-77 Cold Assault Armor 0 2 (R) 4,000 6
Jedi Commander Armor 1 2 (R) 5,000 5
Mk II "Hotspot" Insulated Armor 0 2 (R) 5,500 6
Phase I ARC Trooper Armor 1 2 (R) 6,000 5
Phase I Clone Trooper Armor 0 2 (R) 2,000 4
Scavenged Clone Armor 0 2 (R) 1,000 5
Name Description
Dark Side Force User uses Dark Side results instead of Light Side results, see page 281 Force and Destiny Core Rulebook)
Droid Does not need to breathe, eat, or drink and can survive in vacuum or underwater. Immune to poisons or toxins.
Fire Sweep As an action, a droideka can make a Hard Gunnery check to inflict on hit that deals base damage with its built-in twin heavy blasters on up to two targets within medium range, plus one additional target per [ADVANTAGE] on the check; it can only hit each target once this way
Force Power Bind Telekinetic powers than can seize others from afar.
Force Power Enhance Gain [SUCCESS] or [ADVANTAGE] on Athletics checks
Four-armed The [SPECIES] gains [BOOST] on all Brawl checks and may spend [ADVANTAGE][ADVANTAGE] on a successful melee attack to hit a second target engaged with it, dealing the same damage as dealt to the original target.
Shield Projector Maneuver to activate or deactivate; while active, gains defense 2 and upgrades the difficulty of all combat attacks targeting the droideka once, but droideka cannot use the Move maneuver.
Shadow Dweller When making skill checks, Umbarans remove up to [SETBACK][SETBACK] imposed due to darkness. Umbarans add [SETBACK] to all checks they make while in bright natural light, such as direct sunlight.
Entrancing Gaze Umbarans add [BOOST] to all Charm, Deception, and Negotiation checks.
Sabotage Attacks by a minion group of buzz droids that target a vehicle inflict planetary-scale damage and gain Breach 1.
Unmatched Insight Once per session, Padme may spend a Destiny Point to become aware of the motivations, emotional states, and basic histories of up to five characters in the encounter; she may choose one affected character and upgrade all social skill checks made against them once until the end of the encounter.
Expressionless Kaminoans add [SETBACK] to all Charm checks they make. Other characters add [SETBACK] to all Social skill checks they make when targeting Kaminoans.
Clone Inhibitor Chip So long as the proper chain of command is observed, upgrade the ability of Leadership checks targeting a clone trooper once.
Kamino Training Clones start with one rank in the Physical Training talent.
Winged Geonosians can fly.
Industrious A Geonosian who provides assistance adds [BOOST] to the check, in addition to the normal benefits of assistance, and the Geonosian heals 1 strain.
Sensor Masking Upgrade the difficulty of checks to detect or analyze the droid with electronic equipment or sensors once.
Cyborg Does not need to breath, eat, or drink and can survive in vacuum and underwater; immune to poisons and toxins.
Four-armed Gains an additional free maneuver per turn, but still may not perform more than two maneuvers per turn.
Additional Rules
Name Description
Massive When making an attack targeting this starship, increase the Critical rating of any weapon used by ranks in Massive
Winterized Reduce any system strain caused by cold weather, ice, or snow by 1, to a minimum of 1.
Droid Deployment As a maneuver, a crew member can begin deployment of the [VEHICLES]'s complement of battle droids, which will be deployed and active at the end of the following round.
Ram Prow A [VEHICLE] traveling at top speed may ram a stationary target of silhouette 2 or greater by using a maneuver to engage it. If the target is mobile, this instead requires an action and a Hard Piloting (Planetary) check. Use the rules for collisions found in Chapter VII: Starships and Vehicles of any core rulebook to determine the effects of a collision caused this way, adding +20 to any Critical Hit rolls the [VEHICLE] inflicts on its target.
Dynamic Actuator Pistons Reduce any Critical Hit a [VEHICLE] would suffer due to collisions by 30, to a minimum of 1.
Undicurs Aboard [STARSHIPS] can carry up to four Undicur-class jumpspeeders in addition to the listed encumbrance and passenger capacities. Two of these small speeder bikes are included as part of the Eta's purchase price.
Discord Missile Launcher Some [STARSHIPS] are equipped with missiles sporting a payload of buzz droids. This missile launcher has the following profile: (Fire Arc Forward; Damage -; Critical 6; Range [Short]; Guided 3, Limited Ammo 3, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1). A discord missile launcher inflicts no damage; instead, a successful hit deploys one buzz droid engaged with the target per [SUCCESS] on the combat check.
Variable Geometry A [STARSHIP] can change between its starfighter and walker configurations as a maneuver. In its walker configuration, a [STARSHIP]'s speed becomes 2 and it can cling to starship hulls or scale sheer surfaces. A [STARSHIP] in walking configuration can attack using its legs, with the following profile (this weapon uses personal scale): (Brawl; Damage 9; Critical 4; Range [Engaged]; Ensnare 1, Knockdown).
Adversaries Weapons
Name Skill Damage Crit Range Special
Stomping Mechanical Leg Brawl 0 5 Engaged Knockdown
Two Built-in Twin Droideka Heavy Blasters Gunnery 12 3 Long Auto-Fire, Linked 1, Pierce 1, Vicious 1
Integrated Saws and Drills Melee 3 3 Engaged Pierce 2
Unstable Power Cell Ranged [Light] 7 4 Short Blast 5, Disorient 2, Inferior, Limited Ammo 1
Microgrenade Launcher Ranged [Light] 6 4 Short Blast 4
Integrated Wrist Blaster Ranged [Heavy] 10 3 Medium Linked 1
Ventress's Two Lightsabers Lightsaber 9 2 Engaged Breach 1, Defensive 1, Sunder, Vicious 2
Sonic Blaster Ranged [Heavy] 9 3 Medium Disorient 3, Knockdown
Integrated Vibroblade Melee 2 2 Engaged Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Length of Durasteel Cable Melee 2 5 Engaged Ensnare 1, Inferior
Integrated Heavy Repeating Blaster Gunnery 15 2 Long Auto-Fire, Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Obi-Wan's Lightsaber Lightsaber 10 1 Engaged Breach 1, Sunder
Gaffi Stick Melee 2 3 Engaged Defensive 1, Disorient 3
Count Dooku's Lightsaber Lightsaber 8 1 Engaged Breach 1, Defensive 1, Sunder, Vicious 3, add a Dark Side pip to Force power checks.
4 Lightsabers Lightsaber 9 2 Engaged Breach 1, Linked 3, Sunder, Vicious 3
Integrated Dual Heavy Repeating Blasters Gunnery 15 2 Long Auto-Fire, Linked 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Mechanical Limbs Brawl 2 3 Engaged Disorient 3, Knockdown
Clawed Limb Brawl 3 4 Engaged Ensnare 1, Knockdown
Name Level Skills Talents Abilities Equipment
Asajj Ventress Nemesis Brawl 2, Coercion 2, Cool 2, Deception 2, Discipline 3, Lightsaber 4, Melee 2, Perception 3, Stealth 2, Survival 3, Vigilance 4 Adversary 3, Ataru Technique, Force Rating 3, Improved Parry 3, Reflect 4, Saber Swarm Dark Side Force User, Force Power Enhance, Force Power Bind, Force Power Move, Force Power Sense Armorweave Clothing, Ventress's Two Lightsabers
Padme Amidala Nemesis Charm 3, Cool 2, Discipline 2, Knowledge (Education) 3, Knowledge (Outer Rim) 2, Leadership 3, Negotiation 4, Ranged (Light) 3, Vigilance 2 Adversary 2, Improved Inspiring Rhetoric, Nobody's Fool 3 Unmatched Insight Blaster Pistol, Armored Clothing
Republic Fleet Officer Rival Discipline 2, Knowledge (Warfare) 2, Leadership 3, Ranged (Light) 2, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1 None Blaster Pistol, Uniform
Buzz Droid Minion Coordination, Melee None Droid, Sabotage, Silhouette 0 Integrated Saws and Drills
B-1 Battle Droid Minion Gunnery, Ranged (Heavy), Ranged (Light) None Droid Blaster Rifle, Integrated Comlink
Geonosian Warrior Minion Brawl, Ranged (Heavy) None Winged Sonic Blaster
Jawa Minion Mechanics, Perception, Skulduggery, Survival Utinni! None Ionization Blaster, Utility Belt
Clone Trooper Minion Athletics, Brawl, Discipline, Ranged (Heavy), Vigilance None Clone Inhibitor Chip DC-15 Blaster Rifle, 2 Frag Grenades, Phase I Clone Trooper Armor, Utility Belt, Extra Reload
Clone Captain Nemesis Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Discipline 3, Knowledge (Warfare) 2, Leadership 3, Ranged (Heavy) 3, Ranged (Light) 3, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1 Clone Inhibitor Chip, Tactical Direction Pair of DC-17 Hand Blasters, 2 Frag Grenades, Phase I Clone Trooper Armor, Utility Belt, Extra Reload
Republic Judicial Rival Perception 3, Ranged (Heavy) 3, Ranged (Light) 3, Streetwise 2, Vigilance 3 Adversary 1 None Blaster Pistol, Armored Uniform, Holo-Badge
Labor Droid Minion Atheletics, Brawl, Melee None Droid Unstable Power Cell, Length of Durasteel Cable
Galactic Senator Nemesis Charm 3, Cool 2, Deception 1, Knowledge (Core Worlds) 2, Knowledge (Education) 2, Negotiation 2 Commanding Presence 2, Works like a Charm None Datapad, Comlink, Fine Clothing
Count Dooku Nemesis Charm 4, Coercion 3, Cool 4, Deception 4, Discipline 4, Knowledge (Lore) 4, Leadership 3, Lightsaber 5, Negotiation 2, Perception 2, Vigilance 3 Adversary 4, Congenial 3, Force Rating 5, Improved Parry 4, Makashi Technique, Reflect 4 Dark Side Force User, Force Power Enhance, Force Power Move, Force Power Protect/Unleash, Force Power Sense Armorweave Cloak, Dooku's Lightsaber
Obi-Wan Kenobi Nemesis Charm 4, Cool 4, Deception 2, Discipline 4, Knowledge (Lore) 2, Lightsaber 4, Negotiation 4, Perception 2, Survival 3, Vigilance 3 Adversary 4, Congenial 3, Force Ratin 4, Improved Reflect 4, Parry 4, Soresu Technique Force Power Enhance, Force Power Influence, Force Power Move, Force Power Sense Obi-Wan's Lightsaber, Jedi Commander Armor, Jedi Utility Belt
B-2 Battle Droid Minion Brawl, Gunnery, Melee, Ranged (Heavy), Ranged (Light) None Droid Integrated Wrist Blaster, Integrated Comlink
General Grievous Nemesis Brawl 4, Coercion 4, Deception 3, Discipline 3, Leadership 4, Lightsaber 4, Knowledge (Warfare) 4, Perception 3, Vigilance 3 Adversary 4, Improved Parry 4 Cyborg, Four-armed Combat Armored Chassis, 4 Lightsabers, Mechanical Limbs
DRK-1 Probe Droid Rival Perception 3, Ranged (Light) 1, Stealth 3, Vigilance 3 None Droid, Sensor Masking Microgrenade Launcher, Integrated Subspace Transceiver, Sensor Array
LM-432 Crab Droid Rival Brawl 1, Coordination 1, Gunnery 2 Adversary 1 Droid, Silhouette 2 Integrated Dual Heavy Repeating Blasters, Clawed Limb, Integrated Comlink, Sensor Array
Clone Sergeant Rival Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Discipline 2, Leadership 2, Ranged (Heavy) 2, Ranged (Light) 2, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1 Clone Inhibitor Chip, Tactical Direction DC-15 Blaster Rifle, 2 Frag Grenades, Phase I Clone Trooper Armor, Utility Belt, Extra Reload
Pilot Battle Droid Minion Gunnery, Mechanics, Piloting (Planetary), Piloting (Space), Ranged (Light) None Droid Blaster Pistol, Integrated Comlink
C-8 Saboteur Droid Rival Brawl 2, Mechanics 2, Ranged (Light) 2, Skulduggery 2, Stealth 4, Vigilance 3 Adversary 1 Droid, Sensor Masking Heavy Blaster Pistol, Integrated Comlink
Tusken Raider Minion Melee, Perception, Ranged (Heavy), Survival None None Slugthrower Rifle, Gaffi Stick
S-43 Enforcer Droid Minion Gunnery, Melee, Ranged (Heavy), Ranged (Light) None Droid Blaster Carbine, Integrated Vibroblade
DSD-1 Dwarf Spider Droid Rival Gunnery 2, Perception 2, Vigilance 1 None Droid, Silhouette 2 Integrated Heavy Repeating Blaster, Integrated Comlink, Sensor Array
Droideka Rival Gunnery 2, Perception 3, Resilience 3 None Droid, Fire Sweep, Shield Projector Two Built-in Twin Droideka Heavy Blasters, Stomping Mechanical Leg
IG-100 Magnaguard Nemesis Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Coordination 4, Melee 3, Perception 3, Vigilance 3 Adversary 1, Parry 4, Pin Droid Electrostaff, Built-in Armor Plating
T-Series Tactical Droid Nemesis Coercion 2, Discipline 2, Knowledge (Warfare) 3, Leadership 3, Negotiation 2, Ranged (Heavy) 2, Ranged (Light) 2, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1, Nobody's Fool 2, Improved Inspiring Rhetoric, Improved Scathing Tirade Droid Heavy Blaster Pistol, Datapad, Integrated Comlink
Name Category Price Encum. HP Rarity
Ascension Gun Ranged Weapon Attachments 500 1 1 4
Augmented Vibro-motor Melee and Brawl Weapon Attachments 500 - 2 4
Clone Firing Key Ranged Weapon Attachments 250 - 1 7
Combat Tested Ranged Weapon Attachments, Melee and Brawl Weapon Attachments 50 - 0 3
Cortosis Forging Melee and Brawl Weapon Attachments 8,000 - 1 8
Insulated Firing Mechanisms Ranged Weapon Attachments 1,000 - 1 7
Ionizing Focusing Coils Ranged Weapon Attachments 800 - 2 5
Fusion Shunt Lightsaber Attachments 2,000 - 1 6
Ilum Crystal Lightsaber Crystal 9,000 - 2 9
Ionizing Emitter Matrix Lightsaber Attachments 4,000 - 2 6
Thontiin Crystal Lightsaber Crystal 9,000 - 2 9
Zophis Crystal Lightsaber Crystal 11,000 - 2 10
Bio-Support Dispenser Armor Attachments 4,000 - 1 6
Ceremonial Adornment Armor Attachments 2,500 - 0 4
Physiological Enhancement System Armor Attachments 10,000 - 2 7
Squad Tactical Systems Armor Attachments 2,000 - 1 5
Name Level Skills Talents Abilities Equipment
Creatures Weapons
Name Skill Damage Crit Range Special
Name Category Price Encumbrance Rarity
A99 Aquata Breather Survival 100 0 7
Holo-Megacaster Communications 600 1 3
Jedi Utility Belt Storage 800 0 7
Lightsaber Maintenance Kit Tools 400 2 7
Republic Insignia Uniform 0 0 6
Repulic Seal of Service Uniform 0 0 9
X5R Heavy Demolitions Kit Tools 1,000 4 6
Name Active Ranked Effect
Auto-Fire (Only) Passive false Must use Auto-fire; increase the difficulty of the attack by [DIFFICULTY]. If the attack hits the attacker can trigger Auto-fire. Auto-fire can be triggered multiple times.Each time the attacker triggers Auto-fire it deals an additional hit to the target.
Name Characteristic Type
Lightsaber Brawn Combat
Warfare Intellect Knowledge
Name Category Silhouette Speed Handling Armor HTT SST Defense Sensors Model Manufacturer Hyperdrive Navicomputer Crew Encumbrance Passengers Price Rarity HP Weapons Addl. Rules
Nu-class Shuttle Shuttles/Light Freighters 4 3 0 3 30 12 2/-/-/1 Short Nu-class Cygnus Spaceworks Primary: Class 1, Backup: Class 12 true 2 250 30 85,000 5 2 3
C-9979 Landing Craft Freighters and Transports 5 3 -1 5 65 45 2/1/1/2 Long C-9979 Haor Chall Engineering Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 15 true 88 5500 2500 (R) 12,000,000 6 2 2
Venator-class Star Destroyer Star Destroyers 8 2 -3 8 115 55 2/2/2/2 Long Venator-class Kuat Drive Yards Primary: Class 1, Backup: Class 15 true 7400 7000 2000 (R) 59,000,000 7 3 80 Massive 2
Droch-class Boarding Ship Shuttles/Light Freighters 3 3 0 2 10 8 1/-/-/1 Close Droch-class Colicoid Creation Nest None None 1 10 6 43,000 7 2 4
Lucrehulk-class Battleship Battlecruisers 9 2 -3 10 200 90 4/3/3/3 Long Lucrehulk-class Hoersch-Kessel Drive Yards Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 10 true 175 95000 139000 (R) 500,000,000 8 1 588 Massive 3
Republic Z-95 Headhunter Starfighters 3 4 1 3 10 10 1/-/-/1 Close Z-95 Incom/Subpro None None 1 9 0 75,000 5 2 2
Munificent-class Heavy Frigate Cruisers 7 2 0 5 60 66 3/2/2/2 Long Munificent-class Hoersch-Kessel Drive Yards Primary: Class 1, Backup: Class 10 true 200 10000 150000 12,000,000 7 1 102 Massive 1
Arquitens-class Light Cruiser Frigates 6 3 -2 5 60 45 2/2/2/2 Medium Arquitens-class Kuat Drive Yards Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 12 true 750 1200 100 (R) 4,000,000 5 2 12
Sheathipede-class Shuttle Shuttles/Light Freighters 4 3 1 4 25 15 1/-/-/1 Short Sheathipede-class Haor Chall Engineering Primary: Class 1, Backup: Class 10 true 4 150 8 120,000 6 2 0
Vulture-class Droid Starfighter Starfighters 3 5 2 2 8 6 0 Close Vulture-class Haor Chall Engineering None None 0 0 0 40,000 5 0 2 Discord Missile Launcher, Variable Geometry
Delta-7 Aethersprite-class Interceptor Starfighters 3 5 2 2 7 7 1/-/-/0 Close Delta-7/Delta 7B Kuat Systems Engineering None Astromech Droid Socket 2 4 0 78,000 6 2 1
Eta-class Shuttle Shuttles/Light Freighters 4 3 0 3 17 12 2/-/-/1 Short Eta-class Cygnus Spaceworks Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 12 true 2 100 10 100,000 6 2 1 Undicurs Aboard
Consular-class Light Cruiser Corvettes 5 3 -2 4 46 24 2/1/1/0 Extreme Consular-class Corellian Engineering Corporation Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 14 true 9 4000 24 3,000,000 5 6 0
Charger C70 Combat Refit Corvettes 5 3 -2 5 46 24 2/1/1/1 Extreme Consular-class Corellian Engineering Corporation Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 14 true 9 4000 24 3,000,000 5 6 7
Name Activation Ranked Force Sensitive
Armor Master Passive false false
Armor Master (Improved) Passive false false
Brace Active (Maneuver) true false
Careful Planning Active (Action) false false
Circle of Shelter Passive false true
Commanding Presence Passive true false
Contraption Active (Action) false false
Coordinated Assault Active (Maneuver) true false
Deadly Accuracy Passive true false
Disorient Passive true false
High-G Training Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) true false
Jury Rigged Passive true false
Known Schematic Active (Maneuver) false false
Let's Ride Active (Incidental) false false
Master Pilot Active (Incidental) false false
Natural Leader Active (Incidental) false false
Parry Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) true false
Parry (Improved) Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
Physical Training Passive true false
Prey on the Weak Passive true false
Prime Positions Passive true false
Reflect Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) true true
Reflect (Improved) Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false true
Saber Throw Active (Action) false true
Sense Emotions Passive false true
Sorry About the Mess Passive false false
Suppressing Fire Passive true false
Tinkerer Passive true false
Utility Belt Active (Incidental) false false
Utinni! Passive true false
Valuable Facts Active (Action) false false
Respected Delegate Passive true false
Clanker Killer Active (Incidental) true false
Learning Opportunity Active (Incidental) false false
Barrel Roll (Improved) Passive false false
Scrap 'em (Improved) Passive false false
Translation Error Active (Incidental) false false
Renegade Form Passive false true
Mission Critical Active (Incidental) false false
Scrap 'em Active (Incidental) false false
Fire Support Passive true false
Ordnance Saturation Passive false false
First Among Brothers Passive true false
Fire When Ready Active (Action) false false
Exceed Specifications Active (Incidental) false false
Natural Trooper Active (Incidental) false false
Barrel Roll Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
Assault Drop Active (Incidental) false false
Adaptable Active (Incidental) false true
Secrets of the Force Passive false false
Beginner's Luck Active (Incidental) false true
Temple Training Active (Incidental) false true
For the Republic! Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
On My Order Active (Action) false false
Consider Our Options Active (Action) false false
One Person's Trash Active (Action) false false
Leverage Passive true false
Sincerest Flattery Active (Incidental) false false
Guardian of the Republic Passive false true
Utility Belt (Improved) Passive false false
Another's Treasure Passive false false
Exceed Specifications (Improved) Passive false false
Will of the Force Active (Incidental) false true
Exceed Specifications (Supreme) Active (Incidental) false false
Outmaneuver Active (Action) false false
Hyperspace Assault Passive false false
Backroom Deal Active (Action) false false
Natural Operator Active (Incidental) false false
Brace (Supreme) Passive false false
Brace (Improved) Passive false false
Something to Prove Active (Incidental) false false
Ravage Active (Incidental) false true
Tactical Advance (Improved) Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
Consider Our Options (Improved) Active (Incidental) false false
Barrel Roll (Supreme) Active false false
Lateral Thinking Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
Side by Side Passive false true
Tactical Advance Active (Incidental) false false
Vehicle Attachments
Name Price HP Rarity
Vehicle Weapons
Name Range Damage Crit Price Rarity Qualities Compat. Silhouette Notes
Light Flak Cannon Close 5 3 6,000 5 Blast 4, Slow-Firing 1, Vicious 3 4+
Medium Flak Cannon Short 5 3 8,000 6 Blast 4, Slow-Firing 1, Vicious 4 5+
Heavy Flak Cannon Short 6 3 10,000 7 Blast 5, Slow-Firing 2, Vicious 5 6+
Name Category Silhouette Speed Handling Armor HTT SST Defense Sensors Model Navicomputer Crew Encumbrance Passengers Price Rarity HP Weapons Addl. Rules
AAT-1 Hover Tank Speeders 3 2 -1 4 15 8 0 Close AAT-1 Baktoid Armor Workshop 4 10 6 (R) 75,000 6 2 6
CK-6 Speeders 2 2 0 0 2 3 0 Close CK-6 Bespin Motors 1 5 1 4,500 5 1 1
LAAT/i Airspeeders 3 4 -1 3 20 15 1/-/-/1 Medium LAAT/i Rothana Heavy Engineering 5 30 30 85,000 4 2 9
Multi Troop Transport Speeders 3 2 -2 4 30 20 4/-/-/0 Close Multi Troop Transport Baktoid Armor Workshop 4 100 112 (R) 120,000 5 1 2
IG-227 Hailfire Tank Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles 3 3 2 1 6 8 0 Long IG-227 Hailfire Haor Chall Engineering 0 0 0 (R) 25,000 6 1 3
AT-TE Walkers 4 1 -2 4 40 35 0 Short AT-TE Rothana Heavy Engineering 8 40 20 (R) 100,000 4 2 3
Undicur-class Jumpspeeder Speeders 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 None Undicur-class Kuat Vehicles 1 2 0 3,000 6 0 0
Name Category Skill Damage Crit Range Encumbrance HP Price Rarity Special
Training Lightsaber Lightsaber Lightsaber 6 - Engaged 1 5 400 6 Stun Damage
Basic Lightsaber Hilt Lightsaber Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 1 5 300 5
Shoto Hilt Lightsaber Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 1 3 300 6 Accurate 1
DC-15 Blaster Rifle Energy Ranged [Heavy] 10 3 Long 6 4 (R) 2,200 6 Cumbersome 3, Pierce 1, Stun Setting
DC-15A Blaster Carbine Energy Ranged [Heavy] 9 3 Medium 3 4 (R) 1,500 5 Auto-Fire, Pierce 1, Stun Setting
DC-17 Hand Blaster Energy Ranged [Light] 7 3 Medium 2 3 (R) 1,000 6 Accurate 1, Stun Setting
Z-6 Rotary Cannon Energy Ranged [Heavy] 12 4 Long 6 3 (R) 3,000 7 Auto-Fire (Only), Cumbersome 3, Prepare 1
AP-M1 Armor Piercing Grenade Grenade Ranged [Light] 13 3 Short 1 0 (R) 200 6 Blast 4, Limited Ammo 1, Pierce 4
BT X-42 Heavy Flame Projector Other Gunnery 10 2 Medium 6 2 (R) 2,000 7 Blast 6, Burn 4, Vicious 1
Mk II EMP Grenade Grenade Ranged [Light] 8 4 Short 1 0 150 5 Blast 6, Disorient 3, Ion, Limited Ammo 1
Model 201 Mortar System Other Gunnery 15 3 Extreme 10 1 (R) 5,400 7 Blast 12, Breach 1, Limited Ammo 5, Prepare 2, Slow-Firing 1
RPS-6 Rocket Launcher Other Gunnery 22 2 Extreme 8 4 (R) 8,200 8 Blast 14, Breach 1, Cumbersome 4, Guided 2, Limited Ammo 7
M3 Bulwark Blast Shield Melee Melee 1 6 Engaged 6 1 (R) 600 5 Cumbersome 3, Defensive 2, Deflection 2
M8 Combat Knife Melee Melee 1 3 Engaged 1 1 150 4 Accurate 1, Pierce 1
TZ-97 "Zapper" Shock Baton Melee Melee 5 4 Engaged 2 2 900 6 Concussive 1, Stun Damage
Basic Lightsaber Lightsaber Lightsaber 6 2 Engaged 1 5 8,000 10 Breach 1, Sunder
Shoto Lightsaber Lightsaber 5 2 Engaged 1 3 8,000 10 Accurate 1, Breach 1, Sunder